
Im going to my ex BFs wedding next week,would it be okay to wear a shirt that says''Been there,done him"

by  |  earlier

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and his face on the front?

ever crashed a wedding before?




  1. :0D AMUSING LOL!!!!!!! I am cracking up as I answer this question.

    I've never personally crashed a wedding, but my sister in law did when she was a kid. She turned the family goat loose inside the reception hall and he had a picnic! :0D

    As far as the T shirt....mmmmmmmmm...(scratching head) No, you don't want to responsible for creating a wedding day brawl and I don't think you want to get your hair ripped out or your eyes scratched out. :0)

    Hey! What can I say? Just looking after you ;0D

  2. Don't be a jerk, let bygone be bygones.

  3. That would be So funny but mean

  4. hahahaha thats funny but i wouldnt do it

  5. LOL.. that's funny,

    in my opinion.. just wear the shirt under a blazer, then take the blazer off as the bride walks down the isle.. words facing her, of course ;)

  6. NO!  Thanks for the 2 points

  7. why are you still in love with your ex?

  8. Even if you intended it as a joke, I'm afraid other people won't see it that way.

    You'll just be seen as a sore loser.

    Sour grapes. Let it go. Nothing good will come out of it.

  9. no be nice and beside you wouldnt want someone or some guys to all walk in with a shirt while youre getting married? just keep it s**y and congratulate and remember to b nice okay

  10. Either that, or one that says "I went to (Insert name of your honeymoon location) with (Insert name of ex) and all I got was this lousy t-shirt and half of his stuff"

    Never ever crashed a wedding. Wish I had escaped a couple though.

  11. I absolutely LOVE that idea!  Plus, it will make the wedding more exciting for everyone because you know those things are usually a snooze-fest.

    Oh, and nice block party you're having here.

  12. Let sleeping dogs lie. Why stir things up? Is it really going to make you feel any better?

  13. Well, its based on whether who broke up. If you broke up with him, it would make you look mean. If he broke up with you, do it only if you still have feelings for him. But keep in mind that its a wedding! Who wears shirts at weddings? :)

  14. absolutely, do it! and send me a picture

  15. Well since it is a wedding you probably should go with a button up shirt.....and print that on the back. LOL

  16. It would be ok if you wanted to look like a laughing stock!

    If you REALLY want to go then I suggest making yourself look fabulous. Get a manicure and pedicure the day before, pick an outfit you know makes you look awesome and show him what he's missing.

    Even if it doesn't work you'll still feel great!

  17. LMAO - I dare you - I would do it!



    P.S.  I am happily married - but OMG - I would love to do that......... we girls can be spiteful ******'s can't we!

    Oh holy cow all you do gooder's - she is just having fun with the question.....Get a life!

  18. I'll suggest to make yourself look fabulous and s**y. Wear a white dress and be prettier than the bride. I think that will be better. If you want, you could try to "act" intimate with the groom.

  19. that is so childish, why would you even show your face there. all you are going to do is show everyone how jealous you are. if i was his wife i would beat your *** until you pucked blood. dont be a s***k!

  20. LOL LOL

    (I have encounter a simliar situation this week as a matter of fact!)

    I think its a great idea!!! I

    ll borrow your shirt after the wedding

  21. Joke or not, stay away - - - You are harboring vengence.

    Be happy, let it go.........................................

  22. jelousy makes you nasty

  23. ha ha... that's so great!!! I love it!!!

    Thanks for my laugh for the morning.

    EDIT: wow, some people on here really need to go find/buy/borrow a sense of humor.

  24. dat will be type sad

    but funny

  25. Make it a maternity top and stuff a pillow under it!!!

    Or better yet you could get some of your girlfriends to do the same thing with each of them using different sized pillows.  LMAO!!!!

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