
Im going to san jose, Costa Rica for a week by myself, what do you recomend for me to do?

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im looking for a cheap hostel close to the bars and nightlife. I'm looking for activities to do for a solo traveler like me. help please.




  1. Note: Hours and prcies based on best information available at this time.

    Zona Blue:Ave. 9,Calle 3B

    Hours: M-Sat. 9-9,Sun.10-6

    Price: 26000 col. hr.,18000 col. half hour THESE ARE CRT VIP RATES ONLY!

    Normal Rates are Price 28000 Col. Hr 15K Half Hour!

    New Fantasy:Ave 9, Calle 7-9

    M-Sat. 9-9,Sun. 12-5

    Price: 18000 col. hr., 10000col. half hour

    Idem: C11 ,A 8 -10

    3-12 M-Sat

    price: 31000col. upstairs, 36000 downstairs

    Comments: Many CRTers are boycotting due to recent major price


    Former Bar Dandy:Now Club Pirates

    Location : Ave 10 , C14

    Prices : $75

    Eros: C11,Ave 10-12

    12-8 M-Sat

    Price:12000 half hr./18000hr.

    Paseo Colon area:

    Oasis: C 32,A 1-3

    M-F 9-7, Sat.10-4

    Price half hr.

    Hint: Directly across from Machu Pichu restaurant with guard at door.

    Best time mid to late morning.Gets very busy in afternoons.

    MP 1:Zafiro, Around corner from Oasis, A 1,C30-32 North Side.

    From Oasis go South toward KFC turn left at first street.About 25 m.

    from intersection before blue building.

    Approx. same hours as Oasis except open til 7 on Sat.

    Price: 12000col. hour/10000 half hr.

    Hints: white house metal gate in front.Now owned by Oasis ,doorman

    there could likely point you in right direction


    VIP's Massage: A1, C 24-26 ,north side, No. 2417 on door.

    Approx same hours as Oasis

    14000 col. room with massage table, 18000 col. room

    with massage table bed and Sauna

    Phone: 256-2130 or 256-8738

    Mami: A1 ,C24-26. North side number 2449 on door with bell in front

    Price: 10000col half hr and 13000 col hr.

    Another place near Oasis,Kama Sutra

    Ave. 5 between Calle 38 and 40

    From Max por Menos across from Corobici go beside

    Max x Menos on right side

    of store 2 blocks past second intersection.It is

    about 25 m. past second intersection on the left, yellow

    bldg. Apt #1.(Ask for Casandra formerly of Oasis)


    Rates: 13000 col. per hr and 10000 col. half hr.

    Tip:If you can't locate call and they will have someone

    meet you at Max xMenos and lead you there. Plus is this

    place has beds in rooms.

    Veronicas(also near Oasis)

    From Paseo Colon and Calle 36 South 25mts. on Lt. turquoise


    Rates: and 8000col half hr.

    and don't ask)

    Tip:Adjacent to Favorita Restaurant.Nice talent March 2006.

    Sala Vilma MP: Location: Ave 8 ,Calle 30 to 32 North side(sign in front)

    Rates: 13,000col per 40 min.

    Open Sundays

    Various Locations:

    Ave 8, Calle 12 -14

    Next to shoe store green bldg

    Rates: 7000 col

    Credit Eris for location and ban Bang for prices

    Calle 14 ,Ave 8 to 10

    Just of corner Ave 8

    Rates:6500 col

    Credit BangBang for location and prices

    Ave 8 ,calle 12 -14

    Blue door

    Rates: 7000 col.

    Credit BangBang for location and price

    Siboneys:Location: Calle 8 Near Ave 14 about 25 m South

    Price reported as 8000Col. per half hr.

    La Gaviota: No 828 on door. Calle 4, Ave 8-10

    7000 col hlf/hr and 11000 hr

    Credit charly_tc04 for posting

    La Masion II: Calle 4, Ave 8 to 10

    Across street from 828

    Prices:8600 hlf/hr and 13600 hr.

    Credit Pidd for showing me place

    Cameron: Calle 4, Ave 6 to 8 next to x*x theater

    Prices: 6500 hlf hr and 11000 hr

    Hours 10 to 9

    Credit BangBang for location

    747 Massage: A 7-9, C 4 .No. 747 on house

    9-5 M - Sat.

    6000 col. half hour

    Cha Cha Cha: purple house next to 747

    9-9 M- Sat.

    Price: 8000 col. half hour, 12000 col. hour

    Jet Set: C 1-3 , A 11

    Hours: 9- 10 M-Sat.

    Price: 7000 col. half hour

    Comments: Next door to Taberna VIP's

    Europa 2000: C3 , A 5-7

    Hours:12-6, Open Sundays

    Price: 7000 col. half hour,10000 per hr and 15000 2 girl show

    Hostel Marraecos: C3. A 5-7, right acroos from Europa 2000

    Yellow gate in front

    Price:Private bath hot water 11500 half hr ,15000 hr

    Hall bath 10000 half hr,13500 hr


    The Dungeon: A 7. C Central-1

    Hours: 10 AM to 7 PM

    Open Sundays as of Labor day weekend until 3pm

    7000 col. half hour

    Great talent March 2006.Now my favorite

    lower end option.Even better talent April 2007

    Still fun 1-20-2008

    Muses(Same location as former Jocelyns)

    Location:Ave 7, C 3 to 5

    Prices:9000 col per half hr., 11000 per hr.

    Calle 6, Ave 3 to 5, hours vary open late but bad neighborhood at night

    Taberna Mansion Bar is landmark and joins the one place

    where I have seen less scary prospects.

    Prices: 4000 to 5000 col range vary place to place,

    500 col. beer at bar.

    Exception is place next to Portugesa now charging

    gringos 8000 col

    Casa Portugesia: New place on Calle 6, Av 3-5

    New bulding with little pineapples on roof

    Very nice rooms with private baths

    Hrs : 10 to 8PM

    Price : 6000col half hr, 10000col hr

    Centro Massage:Calle 4, Ave 2 to 4 west side up


    Prices: 6000 half hr. ,10000 hr.

    Hours: 10 to 9 Mon to Sat.

    10 to 6 Sun.

    Krysis: Ave 7,Calle 2 and Central(next to Lipstick)

    No longer recommended as they seem to be set on

    overcharging gingos these days.

    La Mansion:Ave.14 and Calle 11 or very close to there with Sign

    Hours: Mon to Sat. 10 to 10

    Prices8000 col hlf hr.,10000 col. hr and 15000 2 girl show

    Tip: Just Northeast of Pantera Rosa

    La Plaza: Next door to La Mansion

    Hours 9 to9

    Prices: 7000 col haf hr, 11000 col. hr

    Credit Mr Public for posting

    Ave12- 14 & Calle 13, No. 1305 Calle 13

    Hours:10 to 7 pm

    Closed as of 1-20-2008

    Sala Fama

    Alley between Ave 10 and 12 on Calle 13, No. 1308 ,SE corner

    Prices:9000 half hr and 13000 hr.

    Bonitas: Calle 13 East side,Ave 14 to 16. Black gate. Just South of Ave 14

    Hours 9 to 9, Limited hours Sunday

    Prices: 10000 col half hr,13000 col hr

    16000 col VIP, 20000 col. with table sower

    La Gatitas: Calle 7, Ave 12-14 #1253

    Hrs: 10 to 10

    Prices: 8000 col hlf hr and 12000 col. hr.

    Sometimes quote gringos $20 and $40

    Massage place next door to Arcadas:Calle 2,North of Ave.10 just North of

    Arcadas up stairs.

    Prices:Best I recall 11000col hr. and 9000 half hr.

    but could have gone up.


    Taberna VIP's or VIP's 1 : C 3 Ave 11,NW cor.

    Noon- Late, Open Sundays

    Prices: 8500 col. half hour

    Hints: good time 7 to 10PM

    Casa De Muneea: Ave 11,C1

    Prices: 20000col half hr

    Private Dance 10000 col 5 songs

    Molino Rojo or VIP's 2: Calle 2, Ave 10

    8 to real late ,Open Sundays

    Prices: 9000col. half hour, best after 12 pm

    Comments: Some cute girls late after outher places

    close.Best time 2 to 4 AM

    Arcadas: Calle 2 ,Ave 8 -10,Almost next door to Molino Rojo

    8 to real late ,Open Sundays

    Prices: 10000 half hour

    Comments: Best after 10pm. Can be packed with ticos on

    weekends.A little less competition on weeknights for the girls.

    They have a very group of girls for a tico place in this price

    range.Continuious dancers so you can see the girls before

    you make a choice.

    Dreams: Ave 8 Calle 4 to 6

    Tico bar with ladies and rooms on site

    Comment: Hit or miss place but drinks really cheap

    500 col beer. Hope to get prices next trip

    Club Monaco:Calle 6 Ave 9

    Hours unknown, night time bar

    Prices 15000 col. half hour, 25000 per hour but sometimes

    gringos get quoted higher prices

    Comments:Recently more upscale with significantly improved

    talent.Approaches comparing to Pantera Rosa, but not

    quite at that level.

    Things were off and real slow as of March 2006 but

    improved as of 2007

    Bar Camelot:Ave 4, Cale 3-5. Still a great place to check the girls and enjoy a cerveza

    Hours:3 or 4 to 10PM

    Prices: 7000col. Jan 2008

    Beer:700col approx.and girls drinks about same

    Best time early evening

    Bar Sancar:Calle 4 South of Ave 4 on East side of street.(Closed)

    Bar Dorado ( Old Club 40)

    Hours : 3 to 12

    Prices: 10000 half hr. ,12000 hr.

    Location:Ave 7 south side West of the Dungeon between

    Calle Central and Calle 1

    Coments:Managed by same person as Oasis providing new

    night option near the gulch.Talent marginal as of

    May 27, 2006 for price.

    La Bella Mansion:Calle 2 Ave 9

    Hours:reported reopen this week

    Prices:10000col. per half hour, 13000col. per hr.

    Was owned by same people as New Fantasy.My first tico bar

    to visit

    This place has been dead on a couple of visits over last year

    Las Margaritas: Calle Central and Ave 18

    Hours 8PM to 3 AM.Gets going 10 to 11

    Not as good as used to be but still worth visit

    10000 col. per half hour

    Note: Talent definitely lacking Sept. 2007

    Bar International Las Toucas

    Across street from Las Margaritas on Ave 18

    Prices: 8000 hlf hr and 12000 hr

    Hours: Afternoon to 2 AM

    Coments: This is a favorite hang out to have a cheap

    drink and see what shows up

    Bar Tangas:Ave 9 between Calle 4 and Calle 6, South side street.

    Hours: 4PM to late

    Price: 10000 col. best I recall ,didn't session

    Comments: Very local palce with cheap drinks for guys and

    ladies, though ladies are a little more .Talent marginal

    but atttitudes seemed very good.

    Note: A couple of cute girls last trip Sept. 2007


    Club Flamingo: A more upscale tico strip bar with rooms on site.

    Location:C 2 ,Ave 4 -6,West side

    Prices:Drinks for girls 3500col.Girls.20000col.half hr./35000 perr hr

    Comments: Continuious strip show but girls are pricey on site.

    Talent level off late 2005

    Pantera Rosa(personal favorite)

    Location:Ave 14 to 16 Calle 9

    Prices:Drinks for girls 3500col., Girls to on site rooms,22000 col.

    half hour,40000col. hr.?(various prices reported)

    Hours: Action gets started 10:30 or 11:00 til late.Close at 5 AM

    Le Grillion:

    Location:Ave. 6 ,Calle 6

    Prices: Drinks for girls 4000col., Girls to room 30,000col., Private

    dances 16000col. with 20 min full ser.

    Hours:Action gets going about 10 til 4 AM

  2. why don't you go to hostel pangea. they have transportation from the airport. thats a nice place with a pool and the rates are not that much. is close to those places in the west side of san jose like san pedro and and surroundings. the irazu volcano is close, the poas volcano is like 45 mins (by car) or you can take the bus from san jose that is like $4-$5 round trip. what else are you planning to enjoy

  3. get some girls but watch your wallet at night its not very safe so never travel alone.

  4. Stay out of the bars.  A drunk gringo is a target.  Esp if you are female.

    Instead enjoy the wild life, water water raft, find a canopy. Go to waterland, etc.


    This page is very very accurate, I'm from costa rica and i've lived here my whole life, if you need anything else send me an e-mail and I gladly answer it back!


  6. I went to Costa Rica 2 years ago and one place that isn't too far away from san jose is Irazu Volcano.  it is awesome!  my profile pic is at the top of the volcano.

  7. GET OUT of San Jose and visit the rest of the country. The capitol city is dangerous but the rest of the country is peaceful and the people are great. There are many places to stay along the west coast with places to party as well. Busses run all along the coast and are very economical.

  8. get some girls but watch your wallet at night its not very safe so never travel alone

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