
Im going to south africa from 15th - 29th july, am i likely go get a tan!?!?

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i tan really easily but even though its winter am i likely to get a tan there?

is it cold but sunny? or warm and cloudy? or is it commmpletely random!?





  1. No.

  2. We have many "micro-climates", but at that time of year you will probably tan in Durban, but not Johannesburg.  Cape Town will let you know what it decides on the day!

  3. It's rather unlikely as even though there will be sunshine it's still winter and chilly.

    Enjoy your stay!

  4. A tan would be unlikely, it is pretty much our mid winter.

    Cape Town - You could get sunny days or it could pretty much rain for the 2 weeks straight.

    Other parts of the country are drier but can get pretty cold at night.

    Durban should be moderate.

  5. Well, right now it is pouring tons of rain here in Cape Town.

    But we have sunny days in winter, too.

    I doubt that you will get a deep tan but you might be lucky and catch a few days of sun for a little tan. When the sun is out we have temperatures around 18/19 degrees in the Western Cape.

    Enjoy your trip.

  6. Weather has been a bit dodgy recently...

    Cape Town -

    Durban -

  7. It is cold and mostly sunny, except for Cape Province, as they get winter rains.  You will be able to get a light tan, if you can get so far in the cold to get into a swimming costume ;-)

    It will be more likely to get a tan in Kwazulu Natal - eastern coast than anywhere else in the country.  July is generally the coldest month in SA.

  8. Depends where in S.A. you are going.

    Winter in South Africa (May to July) is characterized in the higher-lying areas of the interior plateau by dry, sunny, crisp days and cold nights. So it's a good idea to bring warm clothes.

    The hot, humid KwaZulu-Natal coast, as well as the Lowveld (lower-lying areas) of Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces, offer fantastic winter weather with sunny, warmish days and virtually no wind or rain.

    The Western Cape gets most of its rain in winter, with quite a few days of cloudy, rainy weather. However, these are always interspersed with wonderful days to rival the best of a British summer.

    The high mountains of the Cape and the Drakensberg in KwaZulu-Natal usually get snow in winter.

  9. You never told us where you were going,at the moment Cape Town is cold and rainy,and Durban is sunny and hot!!

  10. You are more likely to be Murdered or Raped or both but at the very least you will be robbed.

    In response to all the denialists with their thumbs down check out this site for the truth:

  11. If you visit the Kwa Zulu Natal area...Durban, Umglanga, Ballito, or Margate areas, you will probably get a tan. Johannesburg is normally sunny but can be cold. Temps in JHB is anything btw 10-20Deg C.

    This weekend was about 10C.

  12. Spoke to my son who lives in P/Shepstone today, even though it is Winter in SA the sun is burning down during the day, you will get a tan, believe me.:)

  13. depends where you are, if you take you clothes off in Gauteng or Free State you will freeze.

    Durban and Cape Town (or along the coast) might be warmer, and they just had a surfing competition in Durban - so you wouldnt be alone.

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