
Im going to start running 10k for all of august plus going to the gym 3-4 times a week for training?

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Im 16 years old. I started running about year and abit ago. I got noticed while running the terry fox run by my schools X country teacher. During the high school X-country season I never got lower than 3rd place, then in the valleys I got 10th and in the provincials i got top 100th. After the season I kept in shape and did other X country runs that I got 2nd and 1st overall (I did some training for them) Now i plan to train for the upcomming X country highschool season. I want to know how to really train for while in the gym, and maybe someone could tell me how much I could improve or results?




  1. Look the best training for running is running, and it is best to get outside and run on softer surfaces. If you were a top top runner then you might do some gym work, but for x country - Run

    Here is a program I would give my 16 year olds. You can work up to this level or do more in the same proportions.

    This is what I call my base program. It is a good alround program which is proven and provides results.

    Mon   Hard 3x1milefast@ 3000m pace/1mile jog on trail surface so you can run pretty fast.

    Tues  Easy  Run anywhere you like for 1/2 - 3/4 hr On grass like a park or golf course would be great for X country

    Wed   Hard  10min warmup/20min run a faster than normal running pace but slower than monday

    Thur  Easy As do Tues - can run on hills

    Fri   Rest or sprints 8 - 10 x 100/ jog 300 on a track

    Sat  Hard Time trial effort over your race distance (3 - 6km range)

    Sun  Easy Long run 3/4 - 1 hour ++ See if you can find a local running group to run with on this day and even the other easy running days - it really helps

    Warmup/warmdown before any faster work

    Keep a diary Really good for showing how you are improving each week, month year.

    You can contact me at any time if you wish

  2. run up and down bleacher 20 min maybe some leg squats 2 or 3 sets of 10ea always stretch

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