my friend really wants me to teach her but im a little nervous about this because shes never had much experience around many animals and she tends to get scared easily,ive had her around the horses brushing them and now shes ready to ride.
any advice one how to help her learn and what to do if she freaks out while riding??
also i have 2 horses and cant decide which one to have her ride,one horse is shorter and wider so she'd have better balance probably,the only problem is shes different for everyone like for me shes really lazy but for one of my friends she tries to trot all the time when she doesnt want her to
my other horse is a little taller i guess but i never noticed a big difference,hes the sweetest horse ive ever owned,but he can be a little stubborn sumtimes if u dont know what your doing,but i was thinking i would probably help her lead him around anyway her first time because she has no clue what shes doing
which horse do u think sounds like a better horse for her to