
Im going to try out for rugby?

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Im 20 years old and just recently transfered to Fredonia. I wanted to try a sport and i heard they had a rugby team here. Im 5-11 285 what position and i likely to play. I played football in highschool. Does football give me a good back ground for rugby? and any pointers in rugby for the likely position id play would be helpfull






  1. Good for you.  When I started college, one of my first acts was to join the rugby team, even though I'd never seen a game.  It was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and it has enabled me to have a great time, play a sport well into my 30s, see the world, meet wonderful people, and make some of my best friends.

    Football gives you a decent background for rugby.  It'll have you accustomed to hitting people (despite what others may say, there IS room in rugby for a good hard hit, though it's not the same), tackling, and other manner of physical confrontation.  Having learned (one hopes) to stay low while moving forward will be an asset.  

    That said, there will be a lot to learn and a lot to unlearn.  My first game or two I had to occasionally fight my instinct to block for the ball carrier, but I got over that.

    At you size, you will be a prop.  That's where they stick all the fatties, even if you're not good at it.  (I've spent almost my entire career at prop, though I've played a lot of positions at one time or another.)  

    That said, you will need to lose some weight.  Presumably you are strong, and your weight and strength will be useful in places.  But you also need to run a lot, and it's hard carrying that much weight around for 80 minutes.

    But so's hard.  It'll hurt, and you won't be as effective as you can be, but if you give it an honest effort you'll get more fit and you'll lose weight.  And as you learn the game and become a more effective player, you'll find that it doesn't hurt as much and that you're having a great time.  Just get involved, accept the fact that you'll be confused a tired, and have a great time.  You'll love it.

  2. 5'11"  285... Almost definately you will be playing Prop.  You'll need all the strength you'll bring from Football plus endurance.  I'm guessing you were a lineman in football?  The hardest thing you'll find is the fitness because you are playing for such long periods of time compared to football, but I have no doubt that will be the part you enjoy too, since there is non-stop action.

    You MUST have fitness, you will enjoy the game so much more as you get fitter.  After that, everything is technique for a Prop.  Concentrate 99% of your effort on learning the set plays (Scrums and Lineouts).  Everything else is easy to get hold of and will come naturally, but technique in the scrums and lineouts can only be developed with the help of others, either in the coaching staff or from experienced players.

  3. Do you mean your 285lbs ?

    is yes you will most likely play either prop or hooker if not then you will definately be in the pack.

    If you do not weigh that amount than at 5foot11 you would play in the backrow somewhere.

    I assume you mean American football. If so then in all honestly i think it would help you little. For a start in rugby you "tackle" not "hit."

    Theres no pads involved so if you do hit then your going to seriously hurt yourself. That would be my main piece of advice. Tackle low to high, you head to the side of there body, and go in from the side or back unless there alot smaller than you or else you will get hurt.

    And as a front row a huge part of your job would be rucking, mauling and scrumaging which play no part in American football.

    On the other hand you should be good at bringing people down and staying up when people try to bring you down which will help.

    Though they are completely different sports, like tennis and squash or even further apart. Think basketball and handball. Apart from general fitness and agility and strength that you should have gained from playing American football it offers you few skills that would all help you play rugby.

  4. football is a decent background for rugby... but i know more soccer players who have become really good at it.  i'm curious about what position you played in football.  It seems to me that you might make a good forward... maybe a flanker? i dunno.  depends how fast you are, your stamina, ball handling... any of these skills might recommend you elsewhere.

  5. All answers before were good, but.....

    ...where is this friggin Fredonia?!?

    Did you make it up? It sounds so made up...


    Are you pulling us all?

    Man, beware, I'm watching you!

  6. First of all are you mentally prepared to play rugby,you can be 6ft 3 300 pounds and can be mentally and physically taken out of the game by the oppasition.

    It is a continuosly flowing game where you put your body on the line in every phase,ruck and maul.

    Tackling and getting tackled thinking two steps ahead of your opposite for 80min.If you playing in New Zealand you can play in the centres or the wing if you have a bit of pace.Vision is most important if you play centre,its a vital position in the team.

    You can play in the forwards, prop maybe if you have a strong back and neck(no room for nancy boys for that position}you be border line for a loosie at provincial and international level cause of your height,but at club level you be fine  if your lightning fast  tackle like a demon,have good hands,vision and  a little bit of mungrel you go bloody far mate.I wouldnt know where Fredonia and what kind of level they play at but if they are any thing like the New Zealand Soccer team,take up basketball bro.Good luck.

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