
Im gonna ask somthing it has to do with the batteries in the electric cars?

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if right now we are polluting the environment with our gas engines and wanna "save the environment" so we go to electric right, in about ten yrs. when the batterys on the electric cars go out whats gonna happen to them i mean dont they pollute more than burning gas, arent we just postponing our own demise for acouple more yrs.




  1. Yes and no.

    Yes: irresponsible disposal can lead to local environmental problems.

    No: because the materials used existed as minerals anyway. Unlike green house gases which are created by burning fuel.

    The downside is that if the electricity is produced by a thermal plant, then we still produce green house gases albeit elsewhere.

  2. Most batteries only last 3-5 years with full capacity.

  3. john m

    The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I a;sp built.

    However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00

    Here’s a list of other places you can charge up, don’t know if there are any prices though.

    the acid, led and electrolites never go bad and can always be recycled, the only thing that goes bad is the water.

    Not sure if you’re interesting in doing it your self, but I’d be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I've converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I've also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.

    If you’re interested here’s what it would entitle…

    - The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.

    - Electric components are then installed in exchange.

    - A battery bank is built and incorporated.

    - Existing starter and driving systems are connected.

    - Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.

    - The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.

    The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.

    Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.

    Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.

    Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.

    If you’re interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at www agua-luna com

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at  www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:  

    www AGUA-LUNA com

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  4. Like most car batteries, they will be recycled. Most car batteries are recycled so that part won’t be that big of a concern.

  5. yes, we'll have to get rid of the lead batteries, and it will cause polution. We too often think short term for our soultions, although in this case, with the massive demand for automobiles, I am sure there is no quick fix. It's just another example of how we are going to use up/probably kill our planet and cause our own demise (many, many, years from now).

    The worst part is that although we know the effects of burning gas now, it takes so long for the issues to arise that are subproducts and later effects. We'll learn (as with most everything) way after the fact of what we've introduced, what the outcome will be on the earth, and society itself.

  6. The batteries have been recycled for years ,there is no problems. Acid can be neutralized with a base and if u do it right it is just salt and water. That is why the oceans are salty,Mother nature does this all the time.

  7. No, we've moved beyond lead acid battery technology.  Current hybrids use nickel metal hydride batteries, and for an EV to have any kind of decent range and speed it will need to use lithium ion batteries, which are non-hazardous.

    "Q: Are hybrid batteries recyclable?

    GS: Absolutely. In fact, Toyota pays a bounty to dealers who recover them from damaged vehicles. Additionally, our engineers are studying the possibility of remanufacturing these batteries."

  8. No they don't pollute more than gas. Anyway, some batteries are totally non-toxic, like the Lithium Ion batteries in the Tesla electric car. But even the toxic materials in regular batteries are such a small amount (one set of batteries every few years instead of a tank of gas a week) that it is still cleaner.

  9. No, that's not true. The lead-acids, in fact, are almost entirely recycled, and there is no battery that pollutes more than the gas it could replace.

  10. It depends very much on the type of battery you use.  The most common DC battery used in automotive applications is the Lead/Acid battery.  These, if dumped in landfills, are VERY harmful to the environment.  They are, however, an efficient and durable method of storing DC power.

    The "Holy Graille"  of electric cars is the battery system that allows the vehicle to travel in excess of 250 miles on one charge and can be fully recharged in under 1 hour.  Right now, we don't have that.

    There are other types of rechargeable batteries that can be used for electric cars, Nickel Cadmium and Lithium Ion just to name 2.  But these are not exactly environmentally friendly to dump either.  Recycling is the key for these battery systems .

    Let's hope we can find that "Graille" in our lifetimes.

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