
Im gonna do track as a 9th grader but im not sure wat event i rlly wanna run. i can pretty much run anything?

by  |  earlier

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400m. 56.8

Mile. 5.10

100m. 11.4

200m. 24

100m hurdles. 13

800m. 2.19




  1. hmmm youre other times point to the 400/800 being your best events but your actual times for those runs aren't that good.  are you sure thats the best you can do with those?

  2. i do 400 and 200 and 100,do the 400 cuz tha get u right 4 any thing else and make sure the other 1 r space out so u can rest and have fun what bout high jump

  3. i'd say the sprints

    looks like 100m, 200, 400m and hurdles will be ur events

    u might wanna see wat u can get in long jump too since u sprint pretty fast

    the other times r good too but from ur times it looks like ur relatively better at sprinting

    all pretty good times tho so if u wanna switch, u shouldnt have too much problem, just make sure u stick with w/e u decide cuz training in one area is goin to slow down the other

    fast-twitch muscle for sprints

    slow-twitch muscles for long distance

    hope this helps =]

  4. distance all the way

  5. you have fairly decent times, but you seem to be stronger now at the short distances.

    you also have good stamina. it might be good for you to start yourself on the shorter distance and improve your stamina even more to move up in distances. (this is a common practice in high school track)

    what kind of conference do  you have? i grew up in a sprinting conference, so i had a lot of success moving up to middle distance.

    since your a ninth grader, talk to your track coach about your ability and see also where the track team needs you.

    even if you run individual short distance, you could be helpful in a 4x400 or another relay.

    it'll definitely be up to you. after this season, you should take into account who will be coaching you, your conference, and finally what you really want.

    sometimes, fast runners just lose the want to do a certain distance. progressing up in distance may help you in avoiding losing your drive, but some people just don't like the longer stuff.

    anyway, good luck!

  6. You should experiment during freshman year then concentrate during sophomore year. I started as a 200-400 guy as a freshman. Then during my sophomore year I was a 400 hurdles, 800, pole vault, triple jump guy. You just gotta try everything because track is a great sport with many possibilities.

  7. looks like you have potential for hurdles.  13 is pretty quick.

    you should avoid distance because those times are actually decent.  

    if you wanna dominate, do sprints and hurdles.  i suggest the 100m 200m and 110hurdles.

  8. You should do sprints.

  9. you have good times in every thing but you mile time is the one that stands out. If I was your coach I'd put you on the mile and maybe 2 mile runs and maybe work you on the 800. Some people have decent speed but can run that decent speed longer than others and fro the look of your times I would say you could do well in the mile by the time you're a senior you could be in the 4's and that would be great and might even get you a ride to a nice school

  10. do the one that you like doing the most. Props to you, i hate running lol

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