
Im gonna have my period on the day of my play?

by  |  earlier

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and im wearing very tight clothes

and i dont want any odor and stuff cuz i have a partner n jump alot

is there any way to make it come the next day

or get it over with before

no pills

no tampons




  1. cant fight nature. Go buy tampons...

  2. Girl, I am so sorry, I don't know if there is anyway. I am like you tampons and pills are no no. Pills in my opinion are too risky. Have you seen the side affects!??! That freaks me out. Tampons hurt!! I tried, and I won't try again lol. I thought I was doing it wrong, but I was doing it right, and it still hurt!! I don't know what to tell you about the play. When I get mine on a really important day, I try really hard to make it come the day after, and it always works. I get mine when I am reallly stressing, so I try not to stress. But then I stress anyway, and for some reason it comes the day after the event? Wierd right? Anyway the only thing I could say is if you do get it that day, take an amazing shower the morning of, even if you have to wake up earlier to do so, the smell shouldn;t be thier if you shower the morning of. Try to drink some tea or something nice to make your stomach relax. If you do get it the day of, the thing I always do especially when I was in gym, pee right before you do what you have to do. If you pee, and try to let out the menstrual fluid right before, you won't be (to be frank) squirting all over the place. The day before you should just try to relax yourself, or at least your tummy when you get the time to do so. Relaxing my tummy helps me push it a day back, how i have no idea, but it always works, Try to take your lower tummy muscles and relax them. I hope everything will turn out to be okay, with mother nature's gift or not lol. I hope I helped! Bye!

  3. You cant stop it from starting.And you said no pills, well when I didnt want mine to come I would take a birth control pill and some times it might would hold it up. In your case, There really isnt anything

  4. i dont understand why girls dont use tampons. they're not scary, they're not going to get stuck in you, and they dont hurt. just use a freakin tampon. i used one the first day i got my period when i was 12.

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