
Im graduating in about a month and i wanted to go to guatemala to study i have 2 brothers over there?

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i haveplently of family there i jsut got backfrom vacationt here and i spoken to my parents about it, my mom thinks im just saying that because i jsut got back from having a good time... but my mind is set, they dont want me to leave until i do at least one semester here, i mean my parents are a lilttle iffy about it b/ctheycame to this country to have a bettter life, but my mind is set, i want to leave by december, i asked for their blessing but they think its a complete joke. wat should i do??




  1. The universities here are really good and very cheap compared to schools in the maybe you can take that angle with your parents.  They are also one-track, which means once you choose a career you are stuck with it, but the education is very focused on whatever you choose to study and chances are you will graduate in 5 years with a career and no need to go to graduate school.  I think you should take the education angle with them and also tell them the cost of living is very low compared to the US so you will be able to focus on your studies and not have work.

  2. the language schools there are great.  if you already know spanish well enough to go to a university, have at it.

    if you think that this decision will cause problems with your relationship with your parents.....go to school here and "exchange" for a year.  choose a school up here that has a very good exchange program with guatemala.

    or..."just do it" guatemala is a great place.

    good luck.

  3. Hello, and thank you for your interesting in Guatemalan education.

    Tell them that you want to study in a Guatemala University... Here, we have plenty universities, public -Universidad de San Carlos- or private -Universidad Rafael Landívar, Universidad Galileo, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Universidad del Valle, Universidad del Itsmo-. All them offer you good education.

    Comparing USA and Guatemala, you can do 10 years there and 5 years here in one career. You can study and work or ifn you want live with your family -brothers- or in a guest house. There you have food, laundry service, private room and internet for less than $300.00...

    Think well, and speak with your mom and dad about your options... speak about their options or the one you have..

    If you come, dont forget to write me hehe, congratulations for your graduation and have a nice day!

  4. well first, learn how to spell, ot type slower  j/k... I say do it while you can an dyour young enough. I spent 3 months last year and loved it, and no w im back for a year. They people here are some of the most hospitipal people i've ever met. And there are so many places to see and visit. The cost of living is very low as well. Good luck

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