
Im growing up but my mom treats me like a baby!?

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My mom treats me like a baby. Im 14 and she thinks i dont know what period is!!! I didnt get a bra till last year. And basically I like this boy and we might go out soon. If we do I want to tell my mum but she'll be shocked because she treats me like such a baby. She thinks I don't even talk to boys,as if im 6 or 7. How would I tell her??




  1. You need to talk to her. Over time as you talk to your parents about real issues they will hear that you are growing up. If your conversations have one word answers she cant see your maturity. Keep talking. It takes time, she has seen you for 14 years as her little girl, she has some adjusting to do.

  2. Just do whatever she tells you to do and keep your knees together. You ARE still a baby.

  3. Tell her how shes making you feel, the only way you'll fix this situation is if she knows how you feel : )

  4. wow, she does treat u like a baby.

    tell her, "my school has a health program & they teach you about body changing which includes period. so i know."

  5. You are too young to be going out w/ boys - and if you sneak out of the house to see one....your relationship with your parents are going to go sour and fast.

    You didn't get a bra til last year because you probably didn't need one.  If you did one sooner, your mother would have gotten you one.

    If you want to see this boy - tell your mother you have a crush on him.  Group outtings are more appropriate for kids your age than dates, and with one parent along w/ the group.  Celebration Station, the movies, roller rinks, etc - these are types of appropriate group dates for kids your age.

    Sneaking around with a boy will just ruin your reputation, ruin your relationship with your parents (you can count on it being a long, long time before they will ever trust you again), and will also let the boy know that you believe you don't have to follow rules - thus he won't follow any with you either.....

    14 year olds who sneak out of house tend to be parents at 15.  Don't be one of these - it is disrespectful to the kid, to your family, to society who must foot the bill, etc.

  6. Your mom is treating you like a baby because you are thinking like a baby.  You shouldn't be thinking about boys or "going out" at your age.  Instead, you need to be thinking about grades and learning and growing up.  There will be plenty of time to think about boys when you are grown up.  Wearing a bra or having your period doesn't make you grown up.  Making wise decisions makes you grown up, and "going out" at your age isn't a wise decision.  You should be thankful for a mom who cares enough about you to want to give you time to grow up.

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