
Im gunna get a rabbit in a few weeks. any advice or something i should know

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Im gunna get a rabbit in a few weeks. any advice or something i should know




  1. if u are buying oine look in pets-other in your newspaper clasifides around 400 petshop buy one in ther ebecause i was just at petco and they sell them for like 80 bucks when im getin mine from my buddies for 5 bucks they are pretty pure the dominant trait is sandy brown and they are deutch bunnies where they have cute big heads. in the newspaper u can get them free or round 5-15 vucks for care get a big enough hutch maby 1.5ft by 2.5 to 3 ft by 2ft get ether a feeder dispenser that holds feed and sifts the dust so the bunnies dont get respitory probems from the food pellets or get a dish and feed them eery day get a waqter bottle or a dish and if u want feed them veggis i dont think any are bad for them cuz my garden was rampaged and beets carrots and brociy were eaten keep their cage (hutch) clean ether every week to every other or once a month if it starts to stink clean it rinse the food and water dishes so bacteria doesnt build dependsin if u live south or north keep them in the shade and if you get cold temps say 40" or lower get a box wooden r plastin den to keep them warm get at least 2 because if there is one they will die i foud that out the had way. get them a chew toy or stick because like all rodents their teeth are continusly growing so if they dont chew them down they get killed one last thing to get is some timothy hay or any grass for bedding and nesting material also it helps as a digestive aid i think i went through most of the basics if u need to know more you can email me at my yahoo good luck

  2. you should get a book and try to read b4 u get your rabbit so then u know all u need to know bout your rabbit or u could do some research on rabbit on the internet.

  3. Get two as otherwise it will be lonely.  

  4. You should read over for diet and housing info. And adopt don't buy

  5. You should make sure that you will have at very least an hour each day to let it out for exercise around the house if you will be putting it in a cage on a regular basis. The rabbit must have food, of course, and that includes Hay which is a necessity for the rabbits diet and water. Also, some rabbits can be aggressive so just be patient and if it's misbehaving, you have to show it who's boss by maybe a slight tap on the head or, if they were misbehaving during exercise time, you should put them back in the cage. Also, never feed your rabbit iceberg lettuce because it's not good for it. And when it's running around the house, keep a good eye on it because rabbits tend to bite any things which could include wires or furniture. Rabbits seem much easier to take care of than they really are. Give it attention, love, and the necessities such as food, a cage, and exercise and it should be happy. Although they;re a lot of work, they're adorable and can bring you lots of joy if it's taken care of and happy. Enjoy your new rabbit!

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