
Im haveing weird dreams and thoughts help

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ok im haveing strang thoughts like how is it like to die is it painfull will i be alive when the end of the world happens . and do aliens excist im soo worried about thes things im only a kid so i dont know what to do i realy need help or is it a stage when ur getting into age 13?




  1. All you kids these days should be put in a straitjacket and be made to listen to Hank Williams songs for at least 2 hours per day.

    That will get all the rubbish and stupid thoughts out of your heads.

  2. i think its just a stage cuz im 15 and when i was in 6th grade i was so afraid i was going to die that a lot of times i would be afraid to fall asleep and i think i just grew out of it so you should be fine  

  3. You are watching too much television and spending too much time online.

    Teens should not be exposed to doomsday predictions or violence.

    Any outside stimuli will have great consequences on your psychological stability.

    Do not worry about these things.Doomsday was predicted wrong many times in the past and it will be wrong again.No one can predict the future.

    Dying is painful.To die is not.

    You will survive your fears.Stop reading so many articles about doomsday and aliens.It is a useless waste of energy.

  4. I think it's common at your age to worry about things like this. You're aware of your body changing, and with it comes a new awareness of your own mortality, so it's likely that your subconscious mind is processing all this in your dreams.

    I can't tell you for sure about aliens, pet, but I can tell you that what would really help is lots of physical activity, walking, cycling, swimming - whatever you enjoy, that makes you go and tired so you sleep deeply and don't remember your dreams. Sleep is a great healer, so not only will you feel better afterwards, but it will kickstart your body into further development, and this will in turn give your subsconscious mind something else to occupy it.

    So put away that Gameboy and get outside and get active.  

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