
Im having a breakdown!! HELP with relationship trouble!! pleasee?

by  |  earlier

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Advice please.

Boyfriend and me been dating three months. Everything has been smooth until now.

I guess last week we reached a "peak" in our relationship, it was better than ever-- but since monday (today is friday) he's been acting weird, we haven't seen each other, he's not calling.. the usual stuff guys do when they freak out.

On wednesday he called me to go out for supper and I said NO, bcoz I already had plans.. invited him to our party instead, but he refused to go. Yesterday I called him and he was very cold, said he was busy and would call me later: didn't happen.

Question 1: is this it? would you dump him over this silly things?


Q.2. WHat to do to change my pattern of finding the wrong guys over and over? since my love life sucks big time.

We are both on our late twenties...

ANd i already know I have to talk to him, I just need some of your thoughts before I do. Or is it worth it to even take the time of talking... :S




  1. Tell him that you don't play games. You either want to be with each other or not. Which is it? Accept his answer and go with it.

  2. Girl your right you two have reach your peak in the relationship. He probably thinks its time to move on or he might just have something on his mind. Your in your twenties so don't stop dating. Just ask him what on his mind. He might tell you that its time to break things off. Its better you know than to  keep playing games. Ask him point blank whats happening with our relationship. If he draw a blank , its over. Then deal with it. Be a big girl.  

  3. #1. This is the marriage and divorce section.

    #2. Why are you freaking out? You have only been together for 3 months.

    #3. If he is interested in you, he will call. If he don't, refer to #2.

    #4. If you reached the so called "peak" in less than 3 months, then it   wasn't much of a relationship anyways! Therefore, refer back to #2!

  4. Sounds like he is upset because things didnt go his way. He needs to grow up.  I agree with the comment above, dont put up with the games.

    You can make a list of what you are looking for in a guy and it helps you see what it is you really want and hopefully in doing that you will attract the guy you are looking for.

  5. It's worth talking about to him.  Sounds like he is ambivilant about the relationship, he needs to know that his behaviour is inexcusable.

  6. The relationship is fairly new so if I were you I would not worry too much over him not calling you. It could be he is having second thoughts about getting too close to you. The worst thing you can do is call him. Let him be, and don't question him. He is testing his position in the relationship and wants to feel reasurred that his freedom is secure. Give it another week and if by then you do not hear from him then give him a call/ When you do, do not question him for not calling you. Simply call to ask how he is doing. Most guys get antsy when it comes to getting serious for fear of losing themselves to a woman. He is fighting to maintain his manhood (so to speak). As I have said, the relationship is still too new and being that things reached a high peak a week ago probably is the cause for him feel nervous about it. Maybe he is thinking things are moving too fast. This does not mean it is the end, it only is a sign for you to move slower with him.  

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