
Im having a hard time sticking to the right of Politics?

by Guest66665  |  earlier

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I am not a liberal; but i am now having hard time convincing my self to stay on the right,

I just came back from a trip abroad (for work) to Canada and Norway both extremely liberal compared to the US and both countries enjoy a much better standard of living than we do. how can i convince my kids to stay with Juan McCain if i cant show them as an example other right wing states that do better than left wing states? any help will be appreciated.




  1. If you want to enjoy a lot less of your paycheck, then vote for Democrats!  Nothing like a bloated government beurocracy to make a trip to the hospital like a trip to the DMV!

  2. I just always choose the left. If that help...

  3. Are you kidding me?  There are 30 million people in Canada, a country with the second largest land mass in the world, a country that has felt free to tap into its natural resources which fuel its economy by selling oil to us, who's people if they need real medical attention run across the border.  And phuckin Norway there are 4 million people in Norway.  

    We are supporting 300 million people in this country and still we have the best standard of living of any nation in the world.  Yeah those countries have very little poor, but they also have very few wealthy who bring innovation and entrepreneurial spirit to the world, that create things that move this world.  Our poor would be considered rich in many countries, we excel at everything on the world stage, we give vast amounts of aid to foreign nations and all we get in return is idiots like you saying that we're an inferior country.

    Please move over to the left I don't need any more uniformed sissies on my side.

  4. I'm like you...I really belong to someother 3rd or 4th party....but the only way to keep the Repuublicans out is tho vote Democrat....I tried to be a Democrat, but I realize I'm just a Republican Hater

  5. texas is a right wing state and is doing fine california is a far left wing state and is in billions of dollars in debt.

  6. You are on the "right" track!

    I noticed the same thing in Holland last May.Liberal countries have a warmer sense of community.

    The income gap and the misery and the violence that goes with it was started by a bunch of right wing sociopaths. Money addiction is serious psychological disease. Then they use war and religion to scare people into submission. No wonder the Republicans are down by over 1.4million registered voters.

    And yes, liberal blue states are more productive and generate more tax revenue than conservative red states, which absorb for Federal appropriations.

    We need to start helping one another and quit being the most violent and polluted and uncivil country in the industrialized world.In other woprds, less right more left.

    Welcome to the liberal light!

  7. If you want to enjoy a lot less of your paycheck, vote Democrat? Really? You must be one of those people that makes over $250K a year. I, on the over hand, am not wealthy and instead am in the 95% majority of America. But, I am a 24 year old woman with a bachelor's degree making a very decent salary for someone my age, while I watch nearly 30% of my salary get flushed into taxes so people that make $250K and higher can get their tax breaks.

    Republican politicians (as a STRONG majority) are very wealthy and come from privlegded backgrounds. Their views are great for 5% of the population - AKA their friends and family.

    When Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy expire in 2010 and the Democrats can take over and give the tax cuts to the hard working middle class so we can actually pay our bills AND plan for a retirement (we need to do that, since we don't have trust funds like all the friends/family of the Republicans do.), we will see a stronger economy.

  8. Why I'm voting Democrat

    I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

    I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

    I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the terrorists will stop what they're doing because they will now think we're good people for leaving.

    I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell me if it will rain on Friday CAN tell me that the polar ice caps will surely melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

    I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

    I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.

    I'm voting Democrat because I believe that when the terrorists come over here, I don't want to have any guns in the house to fight them off with.  

      They are also socialist countries

  9. Don't fight it.

  10. See, this is what happens when common sense takes over people. just vote democrat.

  11. Why not do more research and accept whatever is true?  You don't have to stay to the right, you're free to make any choice you want.

    If it comes out that you prefer a liberal state... why not?

  12. Feel free to return to canada....

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