
Im having a party, what kind of activities shoud i have?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, im having a party, but im not to sure what i should do, i've thought of games like beer pong and flip cup but i cant do that for the whole night. Anyone have any ideas... Thanks




  1. Beer pong and Flip cup are great ideas, but you're right about having more variety. There's a great website that I like to go to and it has a lot of party activities. The website offers many ideas, for all age groups. It's called and I've posted the actual adult activities down below. You know some of them may be real fun doing while you're intoxicated too! know just for a little it is! :D

  2. you cant go wrong with those games thats always fun. I throw bashes all the time. Just make sure you have loud music invite girls and the party will make itself. If you guys plays those games and dont pay attention to the girls then things will be lame. so make sure to get everyone involved

  3. Have a look at this page:

    It gives a big list, at the bottom.

  4. If you or anyone you know has the Wii... this was a hit at our party.

    We had rock band, which 4 can play at a time... everyone was dying laughing!! We also had Wii sports turnaments (boys against girls). During the day we swam and had a slip and slide and BBQ and then played games inside at night. I think they even have a beer pong game for the Wii!

    There are also always dice or card games. Left, Right Center is a great game for many to play. Or catch phrase!

  5. it might seem lame to some people but if you have alot of people, charades can be really fun - especially drunk charades lol

    casual dreamer is right about the games (especially all the video games...) girls wont have as much fun and guys like girls right? lol

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