
Im having a party?

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for my daughter she is 15 and a bunch of her friends are comen what kind of food do i buy of stuff do i plan for the girls to do i want them to have a great time without spending alot of money




  1. talk it over with your daughter. compromise if you cant agree.

  2. i say ask your daughter what she would like just so you don't spent money on something that you do not need and she would not want just to save money

  3. Well the best thing would be to ask your daughter what she wants to do.

    You could order some pizza and rent out movies (if you don't want to go to the cinema) for them.

    Buy some sweets and etc ... chocolates,chips,lollies .... for them to eat.

    I am sure your daughter and her friends might already have and idea of what they want to do so you probably just need to focus on food to buy.

    Bake a cake, brownies or cookies for them to have.

    I am not sure what your daughter's friends like but this is what my mum tends to make for me when my friends came over.

  4. Hawaiian Theme dress.

    Maybe some face paint to look scary like primitive tribal people. Have the girls paint each other up.

    Take and bake Hawaiian Pizzas.

    Make some fruity non-alcoholic drinks with umbrellas in them

    Fresh cut watermelon, green grapes, mango and cantaloupe salad with some sweetened shredded coconut tossed in and mixed up. Hollow out the watermelon the long direction after cutting in half to use for a serving dish.

    Play coconut bowling with real coconuts for the bowling balls

    If it is at night, a couple of lit tiki torches.

  5. Just buy some chips, get a cooler and fill it with lots of diffrent kinds of pop. *vodka if your cool*

    Maybe have some games like guitar hero or rock band.

    Have a computer or something for music, maybe karaoke.

    Umm thats about it...Maybe let them in the basment so they could have loud music? Lol, good luck!


  6. ask your daughter she will know what her friends like and if it is a surprise party then ask one of her closest friends

  7. well definately have pizza and soda and chips rent movies for them if its going to turn into a sleepover but music for sure at that age girls like to just dance around and have fun...sit down and have a discussion about what they can do and agree on some things then it will be a great party

  8. **Ask your daughter what she'd like but if it was me organising it I'd have things like party pies, home made sausage rolls (only because I like mine better than the bought ones), chicken nuggets, cocktail frankfurts, chips etc.  You could always make little kebabs but that might be getting a bit expensive.

    They might be happy with a few pizzas or something too.**
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