
Im having a pool party over the summer it's boy/girl i need some help about food games decor and all that

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pool party boys girls games food decorations




  1. flour tag, throw flour at each other and the person w/ the most flour on them loses

  2. Food games?  Food fights, I guess...maybe bobbing for apples, watermelon eating contest?

  3. We just had a party this weekend with guys/girls and all ages too.

    Everyone enjoyed the water guns and little fish squirters they sell at Oriental Trading Company. The water balloons were also fun.

    I've found it works out good to have good food, turn on the music and let everyone kind of do their own thing. Relaxed.

    Some of my guests danced, some ran around with the water guns, some ate, some talked. I just floated around and made sure everyone was having fun.

    I'll put up the link to a blog where I have some posts about what we did. The theme was luau. This was for my son's graduation with lots of out of town relatives in. They were all ages. I think everyone had fun.

    I'd also suggest taking lots of pictures. I had two cameras and handed them off to different guests during the day. I'm working on a Kodak gallery now, so that everyone can see the party and enjoy it all over again.

    Best of luck with the party. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. Relax and enjoy it.

  4. Do a luau theme! You can have a limbo contest, put on grass skirts and see who can shake it the longest.

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