
Im having gym teacher issues?

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I goto a college(16++ ages) for reasons i wont say. i cant do sport but my gym teacher keeps marking me down as absent so i wont get my student money. Should i confront the jerk?




  1. You can't do sport, or you refuse to do sport?  Do you have a medical release stating you are incapable of participating?  Do you actually show up to class?

  2. You need to speak to your teacher and confront him about why he is marking you absent for nonparticiipation in sports. If you cannot get a clear answer or have this resolved between the two of you, then you must seek help through a councelor or someone superior. Dont leave this unattended for long. This semester is comming to an end and you must get this resolved without delay. Also, you can speak to your parents and they might be able to help. I wish you the best and dont give up.This is your life and your future, so fight for it. Its the only one you've got!.

  3. what he is doing is illegal. report it to the deans office & suggest that you might sue!

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