
Im having my baby tomorrow i dont feel happy i have no feelings for the baby what is wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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i had the most traumatizing pregnancy with thanks to my babys dad can that be the reason we have never been close he never pays attention when i try to communicate with him or tell him little things so i just stoped saying them and is like being muted i wish he had listening to me i feel very depressed i hope this goes away im very confused right now im fixing the babys clothes but because i have to not because i feel like doing it i just could not care less.




  1. the doctor will help u with this partcular problem. it could be stress, or a few different things. but it does happen, and it isnt that rare, just ask ur doctor and they will hep u thro it

  2. You REALLY need to talk to your Doctor about this, they will help you through this tough time.  Most likely your feelings towards the baby will change once you have him/her in your arms tomorrow, but it's always good to let your Doctor know about a situation like this.

  3. It sounds like you are in a deep depression. I would talk to your doctor. As it sounds like you will be  a prim candidate for post-pregnancy depression. It could make it harder to bond with the baby. Yes your husband needs to know what you are feeling, but you should probably talk to someone else too. It may be that if the pregnancy was traumatizing you have subconsciously buried all feeling for fear of losing the baby. I've had trouble with that with my pregnancy. My last child was a baby boy that died after 19 days and this pregnancy has been so much like it it scares me. But my Dr. has helped me come to terms with this. And your should be able to help you too.

  4. wait till you hold it everything will ok im sure good luck

  5. talk to your OBGYN about your feelings, they can help.

  6. Being pregnant cause unstable hormones, then add is baby daddy drama your bound to become depressed. Realizing that the person you are with isn't going to change even in light of a baby can be heart breaking and it can cause serious depression. I am sorry that you have had such a rough and tramatic pregnancy. I hope that you are no longer with your boyfriend it is the only way you will get to enjoy your baby.

  7. dont worry. when you see him/her. it will be the greatest moment of your life. and you need to talk to your husband! this is his baby too!

  8. talk to your doctor, if you don't feel anything for the baby after seeing it or holding it, it could be PPD or something along those lines, but seriously, talk to your doctor, they're there to make sure both you and the baby are healthy and happy.

  9. I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow when you hold your baby.  Talk to your doctor if you still feel the same way after you have your baby.

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