i have a 5-6 month bunny [i'm dont know exactly], male, neutered. it's been 4 months since i've had him, and he's used to me, and sometimes hes not. he lays close to my feet with his legs stretched out when i'm sitting at my desk, which makes me think he likes me. but then when i come in his room again he runs under the bed. then when he comes out i try laying down so he doesnt get too scared. and he comes upto me and licks me. but then he leaves and starts ripping out carpet. i think he rips out carpet and chews on things because he's bored, but i cant get another bunny for him yet. i'd have to wait until january, which would be a long time for him and me to wait. and his carpet ripping is getting out of hand. what should i do? he doesnt even let me pet him on his head. he does that crazy head flip thing if i do. maybe we're just not compatible? should i give him back to the lady i got him from [its not a breeder, its a shelter] and get an older, calmer bunny? i really dont want to make him leave a home, but wouldn't he be happier with other bunnies. it's been four months, and we really can't afford for him to eat more carpet. thats the reason he only gets to leave his room for about 3 hours a day. i reallyy dont want him to be depressed, although he does do binkies outside his room. maybe hes just not a pet type bunny? aghhh
! help please! should i just get an older bunny? and please i know i shouldnt just give up on him, but school started and it's getting hard to try to bond with him again.