ok well normally i just take lessons once a week, but my trainer got a new pony and she wants me to ride him so ive been coming in like 3 times a week. i rode him today and im riding him again tomorrow, but im having soooo much trouble lol.
basically he gets faster and faster, and everytime i ask him to trot he takes off and puts his head down. and of course when he does that i get nervous, and then he senses it and does it even more.
today for the first like 20 minutes he kept taking off and then we trotted in circles for awhile and he calmed down and then by the very end of the lesson we were able to trot once around the ring without him taking off.
any suggestions? obviously he's not mine and im not an amazing rider or anything, and honestly i usually just get on push button horses and jump courses. ive never really had to ride a difficult horse before lol.