
Im having self confindence issues help?

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ok im 15 going inot high school, and im not that pretty i have like nooooo self confindence. and i wanna try to build it up and make sum freinds but idk how to make myself feel better about myslf?




  1. Honey, your not ugly, you are very pretty! And what do you mean by make some friends? Like you wanna be apart of the popular crowd?? Trust me, it's not all what it seems.  I got "accepted" into the popular crowd for about a month or two, and I finally stopped hanging out with them cause they were so fake!! Not one of those girls were real! Except maybe 2 that are still my friends, but the point is, those 2 friends were real and liked me for ME, not for who I wanted to be.  Thats what you need too! Just be you and everything will fall into place! I PROMISE!

  2. if that is you in the photo, you are pretty and as for the self confidence just go talk to people, open up  but not to much, and if they are d**k heads move on to some1 else =)

  3. A lot of the time, I feel the exact same way about myself. But I jsut keep my chin up. There are tons of girls just like you who lack self confidence. You have to brave and join new things, and be friendly. It may not sound easy, but once you get out there it is.  

  4. I just saw your myspace or whatever and thought you were a beauty. You have beautful hair and your eyes are spaced perfectly, which is rare. Your eyes make you beautfiul.

    22 year old dude here; don't report me. I'm just being honest. I'm not a child molester, just a regular college dude that notice you're prettiness.

  5. I'd suggest for you to become more involved in school/extracurricular activities, such as sports or clubs. I use to be extremely shy and always afraid to approach others, unless they approach me first. I, then decided to get involved in school activities and go with a positive attitude and it has boost my confidence and outgoingness tremendously. Try not to worry about what others think of you, but rather on how you perceive of yourself. Let loose and try to let go of the self-doubt problems.

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