
Im having some odd dreams can anyone help?

by  |  earlier

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Like last week i had an unusual dream about this guy that i have never met, and then the next day I was at the store and this guy who was stocking the shelves looked and sounded just like the guy in my dream. Then a few days ago like 2 days after that I had anouther dream about someone i have never met, and then yesterday my mom was driving me to the mall and a man/guy/dude what ever that looked like the one in the dream i had had a few nights ago was walking on the sidewalk and waved at me like he knew me or something. And also last night I had a dream about anouther guy, but i haven't seen any one who look like him yet. I just want to know if there is any meaning in this or what exactly is going on.




  1. it's your mind playing ttricks on you. it seems like you dreamed about these guys when in reality your dream only came up with vague descriptions of them and when you saw these guys your brains put the finishing touches on them and told you that you had actually dreamed of them. sorry to burst your bubble.

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