
Im having some pain...?

by  |  earlier

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i started volleyball tryouts this week. its 3 hours long and i know why my muscles ache but when i started volleyball this week my stomach started bothering me. its not like nausia. but i was wondering if it came about bc all of a sudden i started rigorous exercise (with volleyball training there is a lot of exercise) please help if u can!! im worried that it may be something bad...




  1. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, and include gatorade or a similar sports drink to keep your sodium and potassium levels in sync. Your muscles will react if your levels get out of whack. Eat some bananas or drink orange juice to include extra potassium. Hope that helps and good luck with the volley ball tryouts!

  2. try an ice pack

    rub ur stomach in a circular motion

    drink water

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