
Im having tingling in my fingers and toes that wont stop, any ideas before i go to the dr?

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Im having tingling in my fingers and toes that wont stop, any ideas before i go to the dr?





  2. Deficient in vitamin B12, which can cause a common condition called  peripheral neuropathy-loss of sensation, followed by muscle weakness and atrophy, in the affected extremity. Vitamin B12 supplementation quickly resolved the numbness.

    Neuropathy can have a number of causes. Probably the most common is mechanical pressure on a nerve. Under compression,  the first nerve fibers to lose  function are the ones that conduct sensation. As the sensory fibers " go to sleep," the first signal perceived is the familiar " pins-and -needles" tingling sensation. And good luck.

  3. they may either be asleep (numb) or you may have some pinched nerves around there. you should head straight out to the doctor and not rely on the internet too much.

  4. You need  Chiropractor because you have some pinched nerves.

  5. Diabetes?

  6. I would honestly not rely on internet conjecture for medical advice. I went to the doc convinced I had motor neurone disease when it was just a trapped nerve in my foot.  

  7. they could be tingeling because you havent had enough blodd into them, move and walk around, they are probably asleep, i wouldn't suggest going to the doctors for something like that.

  8. When you hand or leg 'falls asleep' (tingling feeling) it is due to the blood circulation being restricted (by laying on it for a length of time).  For both your fingers and toes to simultaneously and continuosly tingle is very concerning.  These are your extremities (fartherest from your heart) which might be due to low blood pressure is a thought, but I am NOT a doctor and you most certainly should get in to see your doc ASAP.

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