
Im having trouble in math im in 8th grade and we laern this really hard stuff?

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does anbody know where i can get extra help in math mabey a web site. i just dont under stand it it gives me a really hard time. HELP im sick of getting f's on my last test i got 17 ot of 40




  1. hunn. i have a D in math, im in the 8th grade, and you are probably learning algebra. dont worry, you arent the only one. just find a tutor

    like sylvan learning center



    or stay after school for review sessions wiff the teacher

  2. Talk to your teacher or your parents.  You need a tutor.  

    From a referral through school, we found a math tutor for our son. The tutor was a college student who lived in the neighborhood.  He would come to our house after school couple times per week.  I forgot how much we paid per hour.  But it was reasonable and it helped our son get over the hump.


    yahoo has some good tutorial programs if you go to yahoo education and type in pre algebra or algebra.

    The best thing to do also is ask you teacher if he or she knows someone who can help you.  Perhaps if you went after school or before school, your teacher would be willing to help you as well.  Most times teachers are more lenient towards a student who shows effort.  Effort is shown when you put the time in to do the work, even if it means extra work.

  4. Is this your only subject that is hard? If not get accessed. You might need to be on a 504 plan.

  5. hey im in 8th grade too.

    algebra? yeah i know. it sucks. =[

    math doesn't exactly come naturally to me but

    it definitely helps for me to stay after school with

    the teacher. have your mom call and set up a

    set time for like an hour and a half to get you really

    caught up. use this time to ask questions and clear

    up anything you're confused on. if you still don't

    get it, just keep coming back. try staying in at lunch.

    it's not fun, but it's much LESS fun failing math.

    for homework, i go to

    it helps sooo much. you look up your math textbook

    and then you type in the page number the problem

    is on and it walks you through it step by step.

    but that only helps a little. you should really try the

    teacher thing.

    you could also try getting help at a center

    like sylvan learning center or kumon.

    i know math's hard but if you don't a hold on it

    now, things will only get worse for you. everything

    in high school just builds on what we learn in this

    grade. so if we can't master these concepts, we're

    not going to be able to succeed in years to come either.

    so grab this problem by the horns and get yourself

    caught up.

    good luck! =]

  6. u kn math isent hard it just needs some common sence

    im nowhere near being the perfect nerd but I can score really good in math exams, and when u think about it algebra makes ALOT of sense

    But im guessing in ur case u could be lost in basics so if u can get sum1 2 tech u them u can easily catch up and paying a little attention in class

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