
Im having trouble...?

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paying attention in school im schooled over the internet i duno what to do i seem to get distracted and just waste time on here what can i do ...(this is the second year ive ever been home schooled but i do love it)




  1. Sometimes some simple behavioral conditioning can help. For example: Do not let your mind stray when you are sitting at your work station. If you notice yourself starting to daydream get up and take a short break do five jumping jacks or daydream on the other side of the room instead of at your work station. We  can't train a dog to sit overnight and likewise you cannot train yourself overnight, but if you stick to it you should be able to minimize your distractability when studying and train yourself to focus more.

    When I was a college student, I often had great difficulty sleeping. After a long day of studying I had trouble stopping my thoughts from spinning when it was time to sleep. After taking a class in behaviorism, I used the same principles to retrain myself to sleep when I was in bed.

    Bad habits are to break. Focusing is an important skill. Focusing on subjects even that we dread.

    Another technique is to reward good work and focus. Maybe if you work hard to complete your lessons for one hour you get to spend 10m on the internet doing something fun. Or after you get so many math problems done you reward yourself with a treat. Disipline is not easy, but it certainly is necessary. I pray the Lord may aid you in your endevers.

  2. Try to rid your working area from all distractions

    Another thing you can try is to remove sugar from your diet, this gives you better concentration and allows you to focus better

  3. perhaps you need public school with sticker guidelines get with the program before its to late life is hard you need to be the smartest you can be  now days so get with it ridiculous how you kids think life and school are jokes man what a generation we are producing

  4. Perhaps online learning is not the best option for you.

    Have you talked this over with your parents?

    There are a lot of different learning styles - some learn better hands-on, some by reading, some by discussion, etc.

    The internet can be a big distraction and time waster for anyone (just look at me here on answers when there are certainly more productive things I could be doing right now!).

    I think you should tell your parents that you would like to try some different methods of learning... maybe just one or two things to mix it up a bit!

  5. yoo kan learneed anetink yoos want from ome unline.i ave doned me ingish ok from ome

  6. You have to keep your focus on school just keep thinking the sooner I finish this the sooner I can get online and do other things and the more I get distracted the more this work is going to pile up. Maybe there's a setting on your computer you can use to not let you go to any other sites other than school-related ones.

  7. Try diverting your attention to websites that help you in the subjects you are learning instead of yahoo.
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