
Im having trouble w/ my overhand serve in volleyball. Any advice?

by Guest62978  |  earlier

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last year my overhand serve never went over, and i want it to work this year! what can i do?




  1. i am the best over hand hitter i have been playing volleyball since 4th grade and have been mvp everyyear since then i have been playing for 6 years..... now what u do is.....

    put ur left foot in front but not to much toss the ball in the air not to high or low and then step into it and hit ur hardest it works for me all the time


  2. if you're right handed start with your left foot in front and when u swing take a little step with it. try not to jump when you swing.

  3. hit with your back and hips.

    the power comes from the hips.

    if you serve just with your arm, it won't be powerful.

    what u need to do is, when you hit the ball... try to turn your (if right handed) shoulder and hip towards ur swing.

    see a volley video and u will see what i am talking about.

    its like u move one side of ur body with ur swing.

  4. i used to have trouble with my serve to so i did a clinic on volleyball and my instructor told me to think or say ooom pa! when i serve for thn correct timing. if you are right handed start with your left foot forward throw the ball step with left foot hit the DRAG your right foot forward to follow through with the ball, and as always practice helps so whenever you can practice serving (best answer plz?!)

  5. OK well all I have to say is that first before you start serving you want to warm up your arms, then maybe lift some weights to get more strength in your arms to be able to really get a good serve the last thing i have to say is use the correct technique otherwise your on your own!!!!!

  6. sounds like you need more upper body strength. try lifting weights for your arms or doing pus-ups.

    if you still can't get it over, it might be your technique. i'm small, so i don't have that much power. what i do for over-hand serving is this. i have my feet separate, with the right foot in the back and the toe is pointing to the side. my left foot is point to the court. i throw the ball a little bit higher and in front of me because this forces me to take a step or two and i throw my entire body weight into the serve. make sure you follow through with your arm, meaning swing through and don't stop it short.

    keep practicing! good luck!

  7. dont bend your arm keep your hand straight and swing hard

  8. keep your form straight. don't double over . keep your arm stiff when hitting it. aim for the roof

    also, Practice practice pratice. go out 3 times a ween and serve against a wall for 20 minutes

    it works trust me, it took me 6 months to learn, and i'm doing fine now

  9. Don't hit with your whole hand.  Use the heel of your hand only, but do it with a flat hand.  Keep working at it and you'll be slamming aces everytime in no time!

  10. Step into your serves.

    I know it doesn't sound like much but I had the same problem, and when my coach said to do this, I did and in the tournament all my overhand serves went over.

  11. start about 10 ft away from the net and practice till everyone goes over...then step back 5 more feet and go again...etc, etc.  oh and the two most important things r keep you body STRAIGHT and use your WHOLE body, not just your arms. good luck that should work! :)

  12. i would suggest learn control. im certain that u have enough strength but u just need to channel that strength in the proper direction at the proper speed. practice i think would be the best option. perhaps set up a landmark feature the height and distance from the net and just hit it over and over until u become consistent. good luck and have fun!

  13. it all starts with the toss. When u toss, toss about 6 inches-a foot above ur reaching heigth. Then u have to step with ur left foot (if ur right handed, do the opposite if ur a lefti.) and make sure ur right hand is up and ready to hit. then  swing at the ball and make sure u hit it with ur palm and make sure u hit it at it's peak. after u hit the ball, follow through straight to give the ball's direction more power. After u accomplish all of these things, you will prbly have a floater serve. I hope this helps! If not, look for serve camps this summer!

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