
Im having trouble with my golf swing...any help?

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my swing mechanics are similar to that of sergio garcia, and im running some problems, mostly an extremely flat swing. I have qualifying for tournaments coming up, and would appreciate any help.




  1. Swing tips are like peanuts in a can.....all different.  the best and only way to truely  cure swing flaws is to get lessons from a Teaching pro.    All the guys on Tour have swing coaches.....why would you not take the same advantage?

  2. check out this blog

    read about purepoint golf

  3. I'm a 5 hdcp and experienced similar problem recently. This worked for me. Stand up as straight as possible at address and position feet extremely close together. Try practice swing with feet together and standing as straight and as tall as possible. Think and be very compact and relaxed. hope this helps. it worked for me. good luck.

  4. Well, golf swings are hard to help with unless it is hands on.  It also depends on if you're a power hitter, or not.  I'll just spit out my golf swing style, and maybe that can help you out.

    I am a right-hander, and I usually like to keep my hands at about the center ratio of the grip on the club.  Do you lock your pinkys together?  That's a very good thing to do, if you do not do that.  How?  

    Hold your hands up, spread open.  Have your palms face each other, the pinky fingers toward the ends of each other.  Now bring your hands together, your pinkys overlapping, and lightly close both your hands as if you are gripping a club.  This will give a good grip, and provide a control of the face, allowing you to put the ball where you're aiming, and give better control all together.

    Keep your feet about shoulder width apart, and make sure you are not reaching when you're swinging.  Just hold the club out straight, and let it down slowly.  Have the face locate the side of the ball, how you want to hit it, and have your arms just resting.  Keep your inside arm level, do not bend it when you are bringing the club back.  The bending comes in the wrists, to give you that extra momentum.  And then bring it down, and follow through.  Make sure your swing is square all the way through, every inch of your flow counts.  

    But a couple easy basics.

    Take a couple practice swings, get your rythm, deep breath, relax, and just get up there and hit.  Don't allow yourself to think about it.  Figure out where you're aiming, put your facing shoulder a little bit behind the target, and swing away.  You'll get it done.

  5. take a lesson

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