
Im having trouble with over hand serve in volleyball have any tips?

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Im having trouble with over hand serve in volleyball have any tips?




  1. trust me it takes time and precision...

    i had to work on it for a while before i actually got it down..

    Hitting it with the lower palm of your hand gives the ball more force..

    and when you serve remember to hit the ball deep ;)

  2. I'm so glad you're perservering, it is such a good skill to have! Here are some tips that might improve your technique:


    The official rule is that you have 8 seconds to perform your serve. This is actually an eternity. Rushing your serve will only s***w up your routine, and cause you to lose serve and lose the point! So wait for the whistle!


    Your routine is perhaps the most important aspect of your “pre-serve”.Decide how many bounces, slaps, etc. you will do before going into the serving motions.This will give you some familiarity and make your serve consistent.

    This also includes knowing how far you are from the service line (“serves go over, feet don’t!”)


    Picking a target on the floor will keep you from serving “out”.

    Avoid good back row players, such as the libero as your victim. Find a possible hole on the floor (ex. in the middle of a cup formation)

    4. THE TOSS

    This is the most important aspect of the actual serve.

    Bring the ball in both hands in front of your body.

    Toss with both hands and do not toss between your legs!


    Stand so that your feet are about shoulder width apart, with your foot the same side as your hitting arm slightly ahead of the opposite foot. Check: Are your feet/body facing your victim? Are your feet far enough from the service line?

    6.THE TOSS CONTINUEDThrow the ball about 4 feet to double your height. Toss straight up- too far ahead/behind will throw off your serve.


    Lead with your elbow.

    Make solid contact on the top of the ball.

    Don’t poke the ball-put some muscle into it!

    NEVER, EVER fist the ball. Cast your palm as open as possible for the most surface area.

    While contacting the ball, step with the foot opposite your hitting arm.


    This will give you the most balance and propel your body.

    Pull your non-hitting arm down, and let your hips twist when you hit the ball.


    After hitting the ball, snap your wrist.

    This will give you the top spin you want to make your serve difficult to receive. Drag your foot -the same side as your hitting arm-because you cannot take 2 steps.

    Best of luck!

  3. try practicing throwing it up straight first. when you get a hang of that try hitting it over the net with you fist or palm. Remember practice makes perfect.

  4. I had major trouble serving overhanded.  What i did was one summer everyday i just went out in my yard and hit it over and over again.  Throw it up to yourself and hit the ball with an open hand.  If you close your hand and make a fist, the ball will be uncontrollable.  So make sure you have your hand open and just keep practicing! ...  I am now a very powerful server.  And weight lifting a little bit (if possible) helps a lot too, to get stronger! Hope i helped.  Grunting also helps you give that extra Umph that you need!  :) :)

  5. Hey...yes...the toss is the most crucial part of the serve.  Practice the toss by just concentrating on that.  Toss it in the air and let it fall.  The ball should land just in front of your lead foot. (If you're right handed, your lead foot will be your left.)

    I always stand a few steps behind the boundary line so that you don't have to worry about stepping on it because I take a step to help give some power behind the serve.

    Make sure you hit the ball on the lower part of your palm...almost to the heel of your hand.

    Make the power come from your core...not your arm.  Upper body strength won't really help too much on your overhand serve.  Work on strengthening your core and you'll see results in no time!

  6. Well, I played volleyball since i was 6 years old and im 19 right now and I think you should listen to what these people are saying because my overhand serve goes like a bomb if you get the strength and where you hit the ball correctly...

    Hope you get better!!!

  7. when i was in YMCA, i was an awesome overhand server, one of the best. but when i started playing club, the ball was harder, and i was one of the WORST servers on my team.  my problem with serving was that i was strong in other areas like legs and forearms, but i had terrible strength in my wrist. and, while the toss is very important, you need good contact with the ball. because if you have a good toss, but you hit it with your fingers, then you have a cruddy serve. so what i did to improve my serve, was i went outside everyday for only a week, that's all it took, and hit a basketball like i was serving to the ground 500 times. it urned out to be very effective and improved my serve a lot! but it also helped me by not starting with my hand in the air but on top of the ball it kind of helps you stay with the ball when tossing so you know how high to throw it. the toss is also important so make sure that your toss is NOT behind you. if it is let it drop to the ground, if you catch it, the ref will blow the whistle and you have to give the ball to the other team. and last make sure to hit the ball with your palm not the bone. coaches can tell whether you hit it right or not by the difference in sound. trust me i know what im saying i have played volleyball since i was seven

  8. i've played volleyball since 5th grade and im entering 10th this upcoming year. when i learned how to serve overhand my coaches made us throw the ball in the air first. make sure it's high enough but not too high && its straight up so you don't have to walk towards it to hit it. then go against a wall that is okay to hit with a ball and practice throwing it up and positioning your hand in the correct place while at the same time hitting it against the wall like you would normally serve it. after you do that about 10 times take a couple of steps back and practice your throw, hit, and follow through. also make sure that you hit the ball when your arm is fully extended towards the sky.

    i hope i helped:)

  9. Hi, my husband coached v.b. for years, first  you don't hit it with a fist you hit it with your palm.  He always said that the toss was the most important thing, not too high and make sure you keep it a little in front of you, not at all behind your head.  When my daughter was really little I taught her to do it by having her start really close to the net, once she could do it from there I would get her to back up a little bit and so on.  She ended up having a really wicked serve by grade 5.  Hope this helped , good luck!

  10. You need major power. That is probably why the ball isnt going far. Like the saying, imagine the ball is something you dont like and hit it. But dont get too powerful.

  11. Go outside and there are lines on your driveway.  Shut you garage door and stand behind the line closest to your garage.  Serve above the garage (actual net height) and after you get 10 in a row, move back a line.  The third or fourth line is real serving distance.  Throw the ball in front of you, and not to high, but probably a little above your head, and hit it with the bottom of your palm.

  12. well, depending on what aspect of overhand serving troubles you, you can do one or all of the following things...

    if you find yourself hitting the ball into the net, you should make sure you are contacting the ball at the center with your palm and not fingers. you can also add more arch to your serve. for those who have the tips i just mentioned down, taking a step into the serve also helps a lot and as always, follow through. having a consistent toss is very important as well.

    for those who are hitting the ball too far out of bounds every time, they can either take a few steps back from the serving line, or adjust the power/arch of their serve.

    if you follow these steps, you should noticeably increase your serving accuracy and efficiency.

  13. You gotta make sure that you hit it with the ball (bottom portion) of your hand, otherwise it doesn't go very far. Practice, you'll get the hang of it.

  14. hit hard and start close up and every time you make a sere take a sept back practice every day trust me it helps a lot .don't snap your wrist don't jump put you toss in frount of you hitting shoulder practice tossing .

    have fun :-)

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