
Im having trroubles with nod32, please help !!?

by  |  earlier

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i have nod32, last update for it was on (7/25) but there is a newer version for it and I'm sure of that cause i have on the other pc and its says that the last update for it is on (8/15), how can i update it? cause each time i press the update button it says that its the newest thing !

i'll appreciate it if you can help me.




  1. i got the same problem as you before.

    but i solved it by changing the username and password.

    I'd like to give you 2 sets of registration information which can help save your money.

    user name:EAV-04625408


    user name:EAV-04625407



  2. mine is too at 8/15..perhaps it has already been updated,or it is an old version or it got stuck! make sure the last update is 7/25 and if yes try again or else e mail the creators..

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