
Im having very disturbing and sick dreams, but i cant seem to find the reason can anyone explain this ?

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Last night i've had a disturbing dream that partially made love to my young brother, i am sickned by it and i dont know the reason for it, i am straight and i have no attraction what so ever to my young brother but why do i get them, i cant seem to find a reason can anyone please help?




  1. are you taking any new medications? it could be a side effect

  2. dont worry. its just a dream. you are not strange. you are not becoming mad.  I guess dreams are practically an interaction between what you have experienced in your life and day, and the information, images and thoughts which are processed in your brain (what you think and imagine) during the day and as you go to sleep ...

    I remember talking to one of my friends who dreamt he had s*x with his sister.

    Dont worry. you are no pervert, you are not sick , its just a  thought,,, a dream. So go out with your friends and have fun and make sure you have real s*x with them! This way you'll realise its a totally different matter  - a dream and reality

    dont worry be happy!

  3. I think that the reason you may have had that dream was that you possibly feel that there is a distance that exists between you and your brother and you might want to get closer to him (not in the sexual sense) but because you care about him and value him as a person and want to be more involved in his life.

  4. I need to reassure you about this. You can't control what you dream about. I have 3 children whom I love more than my life is worth but for some bizarre and crazy reason, I dreamed that I was beating them to within an inch of their lives. I was totally distraught at this and it disturbed me mentally. I wouldn't hurt my kids for anything and would die for any of them so try not to take your dream seriously. At the time I had this dream, it felt very real and I was devastated I could even have those thoughts in my head, even if it was unintentional and subconsciously. I was under stress at the time I had these dreams, and put it down to that. Don't worry about it. If you could control your dreams, would you have wanted to dream about this? No, so don't worry about it.

  5. are you worried about him?

    usually when you have dreams about family/friends it means your worried, concerned, or love, well as he is your brother could be any of them 2, or when you think about anything in a day it can trace you memory to happy or bad thoughts witch becomes a nightmare or a fantacy, now because its your brother i would say that something is bothering you or him, iam not 100% sure but see what has being bothering you.

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