
Im highly depressed these thoughts have never came to me before.?

by Guest57103  |  earlier

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I've never wanted to end my life i've always been a happy man and smiling and now i haven't smiled since i moved and im always depressed not talking and thoughts of ending my life have been knocking at my head....Anything right now would help please




  1. if you have low energy, weight loss, and dont enjoy the things that you used to anymore, then you have clinical depression. When I first got clnically depressed, things just kept getting worse until I felt like committing suicide. Sounds like that's what might be happening to you. Anti depressants immediately stopped this downward spiral for me. If you have those symptoms above, you should immediately go see a doctor for diagnosis and medication. The sooner the better not only since you might hurt yourself but also it'll take longer to recover the more you wait.

  2. a fishin pole a fishin hole and a hole lot of bait.that should do it

  3. well for all depression there is a source and it seems that you just miss home or where you used to live. i dont know really the situation you're in but you could try calling your parents and talking or some freinds to come over to just hang out and just waste time. i know that you dont want to kill yourself it seems like its the only answer to the current problem, well its not. you could just be homesick or sad with the current situation. give it some time you might just need to adjust. we all get knocked down just gotta get back up.

  4. I don't think you can find anything empirical from a response designed to address emotional issues. To say something from a vacuum of assumptions is irrational, not to mention impossible to criticize.  

  5. Could it be that since you've moved you feel secluded because you don't know anyone in the area and you're spending a lot of time alone?  Moving to a new place often means starting over and having to meet new people, a lot of ppl become depressed after a new move.  Try and get out there and meet ppl if you haven't already, also try talking to a doctor and explaining the situation, they may be able to reccomend a therapist or some helpful tips to help with your depression.  Also check out they have some great stuff there to help you deal a little.  One of the best things I've found for dealing with depression is getting out of the house and doing things... find a class to join, or a gym, or volenteer somewhere just to meet some new ppl.  

  6. I'm sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. It sounds like the stress of moving has triggered a depression that has really taken over right now. Call a mental health hot line tonight or in the morning call a psychiatrist or psychologist  and get some strategies and assistance in setting up a plan for getting the help you need to start feeling better. Things will get better! best wishes

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