
Im home schooled and i hate it?

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And my mom wont let me go to school.I dont do any school work at home After the 5th grade (when she pulled me from public school) i just stoped trying.And im now in the 10th grade and i wanna go to public school but she wont let me cause our local high school sucks.And i wont do any work when im home schooled so i might as well drop out rite?




  1. you only have 2 more years to go, might as well get it over with then spending the rest of your life with minimum pay.

  2. Sounds like you are having a difficult time communicating with your mom.  I suggest you really discuss with her how you feel and what it is you want to do.  

    If you have plans for your life, you are plenty old enough to work towards your goals.  If homeschooling is an issue, you may want to change the way you do it.  Maybe unschooling would be more up your alley.  

    Read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  There may be some ideas in there for you.  

    Best of luck to you :D

  3. You say: "I just stopped trying."

    Well... that is a choice that you have made and you will live with that choice for the rest of your life.

    What do you think will happen if you drop out? If you quit?

    You still have time to turn things around.  Make up your mind to be successful and you can and will be.

  4. i was home schooled from 1st to 12th grade and i hated it to and hardly did my work but now that i am in college im glad i was home school. trust me buck up and finish. and if you go into public school now youll be put back a year just because you where home schooled.

  5. So, by not doing your work are you punishing her or yourself? Seems to me that it's you, since you've "stopped trying".  So the question is should you drop out of school since you won't work? You already have. What would change?

    Doing so poorly at home, you haven't really given her any incentive to think you'd do great in a sucky public school, so why would she even think about sending you there? How do you plan on changing her mind? You can complain and complain, but you need a PLAN. You need to think how to change things, use logic and rhetoric to discuss the matter.

  6. why did she do that? did you go to a really crappy school where everyone got shot? whatever it is, just put up with it for a little while longer. then you're free for college! trust me, college is a lot better. i know a bunch of friends who love it. and it's the experience of a lifetime

    btw, i'm in the 10th grade too and seriously, you're not missing out on much. at least you have a person who knows what they're doing teaching you. my teachers are quite interesting but useless. it's the public school system!

  7. I feel for you, I really do, but what makes you think that you'll start trying again if she lets you go to a school that "sucks"?

    I'm sorry that you don't like homeschool; it's not for everyone.  However, you need to see that you have a part in this, too.  You made the decision to stop trying.  It's your responsibility to change that decision, to start trying.  It's one that you're going to have to make before your mom will even consider putting you in public school, especially since yours isn't a good one.

    Your mom is looking out for your future; you need to do the same.  You may not agree with her choices, but they are hers to make.  In a couple of years, they'll be yours, and you haven't shown that you're capable of doing so.  I'm not trying to get down on you - I promise I'm not - I'm being realistic, as someone who's been there.

    I wasn't homeschooled, but things happened to me around 4th-5th grade that made me stop trying, as well.  I blamed everything on my circumstances, and I finished 9th grade with a 1.8 GPA.  Sometime during 10th, I figured out that blaming my circumstances, and expecting them to change without me, was not going to get me where I wanted to be.  So, I changed them.  I chose to try.  I chose to do the work, even when I thought it was ridiculous.

    I took some weighted classes, worked my tail off in them, and managed to graduate with a 3.5.  I got into the colleges that I applied to, got away from my circumstances, and managed to start the life that I wanted.  In college, I figured out how to stop blaming my circumstances once and for all.  However, if I hadn't made the choice to stop whining and start trying (honestly, that's what I was doing), I wouldn't have made it anywhere.

    So, you've got two choices.  You can blame your mom, keep with your decision not to try, drop out, and not succeed in anything at life.  It's not a very cheerful way to go, but you do have that choice.  Second choice, you can decide that some things in life suck, push through it and decide to do the work anyway, learn a few life skills that will serve you well in a couple of years, and find a goal to work through.  This one gives you a much better chance at success in life, but it's your choice.

    I know you want to hear someone agreeing with you that your mom is mean and life is against you, but that's not going to do you any favors.  You have two years left to figure out how you're going to succeed outside your parents' care, whatever you think of that care - take advantage of it.  Don't waste it by whining over things that you don't like, use it to make your life better in the future.

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