
Im home schooled and in the 9th grade and going to 10 grade in public school do u think il make friends?

by  |  earlier

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really nervouse lol?




  1. Friends are everywhere, you just have to look for them! :)

    Just be yourself, and don't get caught up in any of the dumb drama that goes on.

    Best of luck... :)

  2. My daughter went to school (after being home schooled) in the ninth grade. She had a tough couple of days but she started getting involved in activities and talking with the kids in class and she is doing great.

    Don't fall in with kids with bad behavior just to have friends. Smile, be polite and friendly so people feel comfortable to approach you and you will be making tons of friends.

  3. Probably.

    Just be yourself.

    If you're really worried about not making friends, I'm sure you could join a club/activity.

  4. Yes! Be easygoing & stay true to yourself and morals!

  5. Of course you will.  Be confident, be friendly, have fun, be yourself.

  6. Hey,

    I was home schooled until the 9th grade and I went to public school. I was really nervous and the first couple days were tough...but i soon made friends and I love school!

    I hope you enjoy your time at school!

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