
Im hopless! please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i hope im not hopeless i really want to know how to raise one eyebrow and put the other one down !!!! like when your acting puzzeled!!!!!! please help to teach me this is a sort of weird question but im desparate even if i put up my eyebrows then put one down i cant do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! its driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!! well anyways ille pick first answer as best!!!!!!!!!




  1. try duct taping one eye down first.

  2. lol.. at first glance I thought you said you were homeless. Hmm.. a homeless person with a computer?.

    Anyhoo... There really is no trick to it. Practise in front of the mirror.Try shutting one eye and opening the other one really wide.. Squinting one eye helps.

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