
Im i pregnant?because i had a brown discharge.or its only because of stress so its delayed menstruation?

by  |  earlier

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i had intercourse with my bf but it was my 10 day before menstruation.then after that ive experienced my symptoms that i will gonna have my menstruation.but im 2 days delayed now. i undergo pregnancy test but its negative. and today i noticed that i have a brown discharge. Whats this?im pregnant?




  1. It could be Implantation bleeding but it also could be just a dried blood period....The last couple of months my periods have been like that just dry blood no red....I went to my doctor she said its normal and sometimes your body changes Its just your hormones adjusting if your really worried take a test or go to the doctors they are the ones with the best possible help and know more than we do:) Good luck!!

    And If this helps I am 21...the doc says you can go through changes like this throughout your adult hood!

    Also try taking a prego test in a couple of days if you have not started yet...if still no period and still negative test go see a doctor!

  2. Yeah I agree with ^^^^ that is dried blood.. If you still think you are pregnant then go take a blood test..

  3. that brown discharge is dried blood.

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