
Im in 7th grade, plz dont say im too young or nobody cares,i need advice on how to look pretty?

by  |  earlier

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ppl are usually teasing me because of my "curvy" figure , 5 ft 5 and i weigh 140 im still losing weight though. And i have naturally curly hair, i have olive skin that turns honey beige in the afternoon


btw i have glasses and my mom is gonna get me contacts this year =] should i accept?




  1. Girl you listen to me right now - boys like curves unless there like demented and then there like oooo look a stick s**y not cute - you sound absolutely gorgeous i would kill for olive skin and hair that turns honey biege in the afternoon - you can get contacts if you want and you can look gorgeous with them - btw didnt anyone tell you that curls are coming back i have curls so im putting away those straightners tonight plus people are gonna like you more if your natural

    Diet if you want but hun dont get too skinny it aint cute

    i went through the same thing in 7th grade h**l i still go through the same thing now and im going into 10th grade - if you wanna talk give us a message n ill get back to you soon i promise trust me at the end of everything your gonna be in a better poistion then the skinny blonde girls who wanna be like barbie


    much love


  2. makeover

    new hair style

    new clothes

    accept the contacts

  3. try straitening your hair try out make up that fits best with

    your skin tone.

    do things that help you build your selfesteem.

    if contacts can do that then sure accept!

    good luck:]

  4. I'd try the contacts, but some people just look better with glasses, I do. As for the hair, I'd pull it back into a tight high ponytail with a piece hanging down in the front and I'd put some gel in it, but I'd leave it curly, curls are fun! :)

  5. i would get clothes that flatter your body. i have the same problem, so i get u. nothing too tight, but nothing way baggy. (:

    and ya i would go for the contacts (: good luck!

  6. being curvy is good, i am.

    don't change for anyone.

    accept the contacts, but keep your glasses, where you can switch up your look, try straightening your hair. a little eye makeup and lip gloss, and you be fantastic(:

  7. get the contacts, loose weight (no offence) and dress nice (not too nice) were some sweet smelling perfumes that don't smell like chemicals

  8. All you have to do is lose a little weight.

    Then put on some mascara and lip gloss whatever color fits you best.

    And yes wear contacts.

    And it sounds like you'll be all set.

    Hope I helped.

  9. 1) Guys like curves

    2) Great height

    3) Keep losing weight

    4) Make your curles work for you

    5) Great skin color, show it off

    6) Try the contacts, som people look AMAZING in glasses though, ask your friends on thier opinion.


  10. yea. you should accept!

  11. wow, you're actually quite pretty.

    tweeze your eyebrowns, in between wax them

    accept contacts def.

    work on losing weight

    lip gloss if you want

    and wear like a really great necklace or somethign to distract peopel attention from your weight

    which btw, i cant really tell from the pic anyway s

    good luck :)

  12. ur not that bad looking

  13. put a picture up  

  14. do lose any weight, boys pretend they like skinny girls, but they really like chubbies cause they are nicer and try harder.

  15. Picture Time !

    You Should Accept !

  16. Good height, lose some weight, get contacts, straighten the hair.

  17. well for one thing a little make up wouldnt hurt any one!!

    try getting a new look for when you start school !!

    Get new clothes!!(boot legger and lulu lemon rock for clothes!!

    i have glasses to!!im in grade 8...and i also have contacts but i prefer glasses irratates me that people poke there eye to put them in..

    try getting a new hair style like a cool new cut and straighten it or let it wave !!get new glasses!!!

    peace out!!

  18. start wearing makeup start new hair styles buy shoes and clothes. buy stuff that are in style.

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