
Im in 8th grade and im failing American History. Can i fail and still go to 9th grade next year ?

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Im in 8th grade and im failing American History. Can i fail and still go to 9th grade next year ?




  1. I wouldn't be asking this question. If you're that worried about it, why not try harder in the course so you don't have to fail? Talk to the teacher and see if you could do extra credit or if there is any other way to boost your grade.

    And the answer to the question- it all depends on your school system. If you were in mine you'd be staying back but I know other schools offer summer school or don't make you do so.

  2. Depends on what your district policies. You should probably expect to retake the class over the summer, finish with at least a "C" or better and hopefully not be held back. It really depends though. Some schools have stricter policies than others.

  3. it really depends on you school district!most schools don't allow you to pass unless you make it up in summer school!

  4. why are you failing american history?!?! Tell your teach that you are really concerned about your grade and try to make up the work and do extra credit for hopefully a D. Otherwise do summer session. Yeah it depends on the school but I had friends that failed one class and they still went on the next grade cuz there other grades were good :)

  5. grades dont mean **** in middle school, just dont have enough f's where you fail

  6. You can still probably go to 9th grade if you make up the class in summer school. Some school districts don't let students promote to the next grade unless they pass their "core" classes, which are usually Science, Math, Language Arts, History, and P.E.

  7. well you may have to make it up in summer school, unless you find a school that is willing to let you take a test to detemine rather or not youll go to the ninth Grade next year, then id suggest you get to summer school and fast!!

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