
Im in a good job (5 yr) but desperately want to go travelling with my bf for 2 years. Should i go for i it??

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My parents want me to buy house, get pet labrador and be comfy with my boyfriend but we want to go travelling around the world for awhile. Am I too old? Do you think I'll regret leaving a great job?




  1. Don't get a dog, that ties you down and you can't travel. Buy a house now while the market is down and you can get a good buy. I had someone who worked for me who asked if he could save up his vacation time and take it all the second year so he could travel to China. He had lined up a coworker who said she would cover for any problems. I said okay and he went there for six weeks. You can see the world by bits and pieces. Good jobs are hard to find. My daughter is in her 30s and a professor and she is still traveling around the world in the summer and on sabbatical. It is a lifetime thing. Meanwhile she also socks away money in her 401 K. My father moved up in his field, switched companies and ended up traveling all over the world (literally) for his job and got all the expenses picked up by the business. My mother often went with him. He did that until he was 70. Travel is not just for the young

  2. I think you should do what you really feel is best for yourself and not what your parents or anyone else think.  You're not too old to go travelling.  When will you ever get another opportunity in your life to do something like that?  If the job is worth giving up, then I would say go for it.  

    I'm almost 24 and I moved to Asia after I graduated college last year and my friends and family thought I was crazy.  But I've got to experience a whole new culture and many places that I never would have seen if I didn't go.  

    Good luck to you!

  3. You are not too old to go traveling - you're never too old to do anything!  I would suggest finding out if it were possible for you to take an unpaid leave of absence from your job.  This is possible at the company where I work.  You could try for a couple of months to start out.  Not everyone is cut out for traveling, so starting out for a shorter period of time than 2 years would give you a taste of it to let you know whether you should keep going.  Why not go for it now when you're not tied to a mortgage and pet or child?  I think lots of people would love to be in your situation and have the freedom to do something like this.

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