
Im in a great relationship, but i think i love someone else.?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14, but want no lesser of an answer because of my age, i am mature and hope to get that point across,i am currently in a relationship and there is nothing wrong with it, i havent known my current girlfreind for so long but i know we have something special, anyway and basically there is someone else, it is one of my girlfreinds best friends, who introduced us (also i have known her alot longer), has recently had a few problems, but they are of no concern, and after being the only one to help her for so long i have realised, and i use this word rarely, that i love her, i no that she also loves me, we have been through alot, and i stress that word, toghether. ultimatley i love her, but at the same time my current girlfreind, who is a complex human being with emotions dosent deserve to be hurt. i have considered possiblilties and do not feel ready to leave my girlfreind but at the same time i want to be with someone else, what should i do? additionally i dont want any answers defying the point of the question by outlining my age or any other commentaries, thankyou.




  1. I agree with the person above me. However, don't do a stupid break up. Break ups always hurt, but my advice is to make her want to break up a bit too. Drift apart a bit first. Otherwise jealousy will ruin ur gf and your friends relationship. Show her some of your more disgusting habits, stil be nice, just not boy friend material. After a bit of this, suggest it isn't working. Then hold off your friend for a bit (3-4 weeks), and then get with her at an appropiate point. Try set up your friend with one of your male friends.

    ABOVE ALL, always be nice to her.

    Good luck.

  2. Well personally i would say go with your heart and follow that girl you love but the problem is that its your girlfriends mate which will make it so hard to make a relationship as it will be awkward between all 3 of you. speak to your girlfriend and tell her how you feel. Leave it a few weeks to let the dust settle before starting a relationship with another girl. If not try and hook your current girlfriend with one of your mates to ease the tension.

    Good luck

    GossipGirl 411 -x

  3. God, i know how you feel about the whole age thing, im 17 and people still act like im 10 lol. Anyway, if you think you love this other girl, leave your current girlfriend. your right on one thing, she is a human, and she does have feelings..if you love her, you want her to be happy. and especially if this other female is her bestfriend..that isn't good. leave her now before it gets way out of hand. Even if you JUST wanna be with this other girl, thats a sign right there that you shouldnt be in a relationship with the one your with. Trust me, take it from someone who has experience in that part..ive been in your same shoes. leave the one your with, you'll be happy and so will she. Goodluck!

  4. leave her now but in nice way and try an keep it so that you an her are still friends and then go out with the other girl but don't tell anyone for a while so that ur ex don't get to hurt

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