
Im in a keepers baseball league, i was just offered Grady Sizemore ($31) for Mark Texiera ($22). whos gaining?

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I hear that people saying Grady is at a sell-high point, but is texiera a good one im already leading the league in SB but i would liek to0 lock myself in this catagory and i can always use more runs, anyone have an opinion?




  1. In a keeper league keep Texiera he has huge upside.  While Grady has more or less hit a plateua in his career.  His numbers will begin a decline in the next year or two, especially with a weak supporting cast around him.

  2. Hang on to Sizemore.  The Indians will be back next year with a healthy Victor Martinez & Travis Hafner.  This means that Grady will be stealing more bases & scoring more runs.

    Texiera is a good player, but lacks the consistancy that Grady offers.

    I'd keep them both but if you're getting rid of one, make it Texiera.

  3. Take Grady, he is consistant and will be around the league longer than Tex.

  4. Get Grady, he has power, speed, durability, and most importantly very talented. Texiera might have power but, thats all he really has, other than his hitting. Grady goes on nasty hitting streaks that seem unstoppable. He is slowly making a name for himself.  A few extra runs are good right? Well, Grady will get you more runs.

  5. Get Grady, Texiera is known for hitting dry spell second half. You might even wanna trade and then trade again if you aren't worries about some of the stats Grady brings to the table. Hope this helps.

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