
Im in a serious relationship and inlove for the first time but i keep getting mad at him for stupid things! y?

by  |  earlier

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im 19 and i've been dating this guy for 6 months and i've always known about his past relationships and this one night stand he had that he really regrets that happend a few years before he met me but why do i get sooooo angry when i think about it, he hates bringing it up cause he regrets it im the one who usually brings it up he did this when he was drunk and i get sooo worried that he's gonna get drunk and do the same thing but he tells me to have more faith in him and trust but i can't for some reason even when he tells me im the love of his life and nobody could do better for him can someone help me get out of this and grow up! i know how stupid it is to care but i can't help it :-(




  1. Like you said you need to grow up and let the past stay in the past. How can he ever tell you anything if you keep throwing it in his face. You have to get over it or he won't be around for much longer.

  2. It's perfectly normal for you to react that way... It's all part of loving someone. Share with him that the reason why you act a certain way is because u love him so much... and ask him to help you chill out a little. Tell him what he can do to reassure you of certain things so that you won't always be trippin'..which in the end makes him (and you) miserable. COMMUNICATION is the key to any good relationship.

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