
Im in high school and i need information on First Dates?

by  |  earlier

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i am in high school. i hear girls always talking about me ( and i hear giggles i dont know if they think i am cute or im just plain retarded).i have muscular body and girls tell me im cute all the time. Im just ******* shy. Theres this girl in my spanish class that i talk to and all she does is smile i think about asking her out but i dont have any dating experience. So where i should ask her out to and what should i talk about. All my sexual and dating experiences in past have involved drugs and alcohol(no longer do that stuff) and i have not dated a decent girl in a long time. ive grown shy around innocent and decent girls.




  1. When girls giggle or even talk about you it's a good thing, that means they like you. If this girl in your spanish class smiles when you are talking she is probably thinking when is he going to ask me out? Take that chance and what is the worse thing that could happen? She will say no and that's ok. First Dates are kinda important it's like first impressions. I suggest a movie. There are so many ways to flirt while in a movie. Even though you don't talk. You could hold her hand, put your arm over her shoulder, etc. Just make sure that you but the pop corn or whatever she wants. Don't worry if this girl really likes you she will stick by your awkwardness. Good luck!

  2. truthfully dating is somthing you have to work at and learn form expierience.. expierience is better than trying to act like somone tells you online... that just gets you srewed over. cuz then you wont be yourself.. you should just ask her out... tell her youve never ahd a gf... and so u might be a lil bad at the whole dating thing. if she says yes then just work at it work hard but be yourself

  3. Ask her out, take her to a place where your comfortable, explain your situation and unease and that will make her more comfortable around you since your opening up and trusting her.  Ask out the girl in your spanish class.

  4. Dude, i need  to help you with this.

    Try to ask her if she wants to hang around sometime, since you are in high school i think this is really going to help. buy her a nice flower and write a note on asking her do you like me or give her your phone number if she calls she likes you and i think talking on the is going to help you since you are shy. don't be shy man. do your thing **** what they looking at

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