
Im in jornalism class but im new at it?

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im starting 9th grade and i got my schedule.i got jornalism but i dont have a clue what you do in that class or how to do that stuff...i dont want to look stupid when i get there.dose anyone know from experience what you do in that class?




  1. Journalism is news writing based on the reporting of facts using a specific style format. Usually the other alternative is creative writing which is prose, where you would freestyle essays, short stories and even poetry. Both require strict adherence to the rules of grammar, which will ultimately determine how effective your communication skills will be as an adult.

    The important thing is that you are learning to organize ideas and communicate them to others. It's two different approaches to the same end.

    Best of luck,


  2. journalism, is putting reports together, like news reports you   read in newspapers/magazines(print journalism),see and hear on tv  (video journalism) ,or hear on radio (radio journalism), or read in a newspaper,wire service, fax  etc.(print journalism.).. basically, the:" who, what, when, where, and how, ; ( sometimes why)", of an " event ":( concert, county fair,festival, a public involvement. an  "incident ",; vehicle accidents, plane crashes, house fires, arrests, etc..." occurrances".heavy storms, land slides, flooding, etc. some of these items can fit into more than one of those three categories... simply put ,a report starts with the" topic or subject" matter, using a " banner" announcement ( full width of page or screen), a "headline" (one or more columns wide), a brief and concise "opening statement", including the "who, what, when, where, and how".   followed. up , in new paragraphs, with sentences that " flesh out" additional details.. each of the ; "who what when, where, and how": " sub topics" are handled in separate paragraphs... ended with a"summary statement" or sometimes ended  with a "follow up" "question  or issue" to be answered later: eg: victim(s) name, continuing investigation on going, new evidence is needed, court proceedings, etc. to complete the" full story" in another" article or piece","" broadcast", or "report" " follow up piece". . follow up pieces briefly review the first story adding  "additional details", "new evidence," "new directions of investigation". adding to the "missing puzzle pieces" in the report/story.  journalists are focussed on the "substantive " "facts " in each case as opposed to "oppinion". in video journalism," interviews of witnesses, officials", can add or detract from a story. their are rules and laws journalists need to follow in their work to stay "credible" and within the rules. sometimes this can be difficult with directions given by "editors" in" print media or" news directors" in radio/tv...  "photo journalism"  involves photos/videos  reports  to give a "visual focus or framework" for readers/viewers of the story.. your class can give you a basic understanding of those involved in bringing you the news, and what they do. what makes for sound, honest,legitimate, reporting, and what happens when things go wrong.

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