
Im in junior high and theres this girl i really like. i think she likes me too but... how do i ask her out?

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Im in junior high and theres this girl i really like. i think she likes me too but... how do i ask her out?




  1. you look her in the eyes and say something real sweet then ask... "Will you be my girlfriend?"

  2. You should go hang out with her and spend as much time with her. After a while you should just tell her you think she is pretty. Then at the right moment ask her out.

  3. im only freshman but in my school you start hanging out with the girl after school like your group f guys and her group of girls. once you have a fiendship bond with her you just pull her aside and say "hey wanna go to the movies sometime?" but personally i hate movie dates.....i mean they are wicked easy. but id rather go out for ice cream. you actually get to know the person! a movie, its like you sit and do nothing...but anyways if you think she likes you i would just go for it!! dont be scared because the worst thats gonna happen is she says no sorry and ya know wat shes not gonna think of you any different! but most likely she'll say yes. so just ask! and just a tip when you pay on the date girls think its super sweet and dont forget to smell yummy =]

  4. Get her alone and then say something like "Do you wanna go out with me." and wait for her answer

  5. ahaha dude that ******* question i posted and no one answer a ma junior too and same **** that you with the girl;...

  6. k so if she likes u and if she doesnt still plez follow my advice

    1) first when u get up in the morning comb ur hair nicely and brush ur teeth 4 about 3 mins (usually people brush thier teeth 4 2 mins but u want ur breath and teeth xtra clean

    2) dress up cool (girls luv that)

    3) when u get to school thentalk 2 her but dont chicken out!

    4) when ur talking 2 her try 2 make the theme ROMANCE!!

    5) when i say romance i mean tell this 2 her : u look bueatiful today and things like that

    6) when she starts talking slow and watching ur eyes or lips then move in 4 a nice slow kiss and ask her if she will be ur girlfriend and while ur doing that ask her if she wants 2 go out with u

    7) if she just walks away while ur sayind something then turn her around and give her a fast kiss then ask her 2 b ur girlfriend and if she says yes then give her another kiss and then ask her if she wants 2 go out with u!!

    glad i can help!! plez answer all of my questions!!

  7. Once you are alone or other people cant hear you and you have been talking for a bit ... just say " Ive been having a great time with you would you like to start a relation ship"Or if you dont want a relationship just say would you like to go do *blank* activity sometime with me.

  8. hang out with her, see how comfortable she is around you, if she is comfortable around you, get to the point where you can hug her or hold her hand. if you can get to that point, you'll know when the right time is to ask her out. just remember, if she says no, it's not the end of the world, and if you got to that point i was telling you about, you can still stay really good friends.

  9. talk to her... sit her down, hold her hands, tell her how you feel, and ask her to be your girlfriend.

    and i would advise you to do it yourself face to face... it will mean alot more to her... ask to the mall, somewhere you two can just hangout and talk...

    dont go to a movie for the first. you need somewhere you two can talk...and get to know each other. A park would be nice...

  10. Ask her to hang out with you sometime like go to the mall & a movie or to a football game.  

  11. ________, do you want to go to a movie or something with me?

    ^Insert name here

  12. The thing is.. As we grow we make ourselves think asking someone out is REALLY hard and complicated and all that junk.. but it actually is very simple.. just say it and its done.. there is really nothing hard about it

  13. ok u should talk to herb4 u actually ask her out.

    make sure yall are good friends.

    then ask her out to a movie or sumthing.

    just be like "r u free saturday night"?

  14. if your shy walk until she's a lone then walk up 2 her and tell her you been wathching her for the longest time and would like to get to know her better

  15. Wow, Junior high! That's a bit young for dating... Just ignore the premature urge.

  16. go up to her, compliment her hair (clothes, shoes, etc.) and invite her to go to a football game, ice skating, a movie, just hanging out, anything really.

  17. I think you should ask her when no one is around, so that her answer won't be based off of others opinions.

    Remember to be nice and gentle and if she does reject you don't get all mad just except it and maybe it just wasn't the plan god had in store for you.

  18. just pull her aside and ask her, but if you don't want to say anything face to face, get a mutual friend to do it or text her/send her a note in lesson. you could even email her.

    hope i helped :)

  19. okay matt, honestly junior high relationsships never last that long. you just need to shoot for it. if you two have passed the "flirting stage" then you need to go for it. i dont recomend the classic ask her friends to ask her for you. because girls dont like that. and if your nervous to ask in person then just ask "do you want to do something this weekend" through like a text or myspace...

    see where it goes from there.

  20. =)

    tell her you like her.


    look just forget your nerves and remember that you like her. all will turn out for the best.

  21. hold her hands and look into her eyes and tell her something nice about her and ask her out. and after that if she says yes hug her and kiss her not on the cheeks on the lips bc some ppl do that.

  22. two ways i've been asked out(i'm in junor high too):

    1) his friend was being really obnoxious and telling me how he liked me, and that the guy was gunna ask me out on friday, but then he just came up to me and asked me if i wanted to go out with him

    2) we were having a conversation and flirting over text messaging, and he asked if i was single and then just asked me if i wanted to go out with him. =]

  23. first be freinds with her and see if shes the type that hooks up almost immeadietly.(hurry tho or someone else will ger her)trust me has happened many times to me and people i know.

    hopes tis helps

  24. dont stutter man she will think that ur sweat alot and thats not a good thing

  25. well make sure she really does and ur not seeing what u think might be attraction when its not. jus start out by saying hi to her whenver u see her.  compliment her on how she looks or smell if she smells good. just be sweet and sincere. if ur too shy write her a little note saying u like her alot and want to know her better and leave ur number for her to respond.

  26. give her an hj

  27. remember to be casual.

    hey listen, i really think you are a sweet girl, and i was wondering if u wanted to see a movie with me

    never mention the word date when asking, just be sure to act casual. trust me you will do great, because girls are usually afraid to make the first move, showing your confidence by asking her out will really show her how great u are. girls really understand that.

    just act like its nothing big, or you could go the other way

    and u could sound nervous and seem sweet

    hey listen.. umm, sorry im really nervous, i was wondering if maybe u were up to...... maybe seeing a movie with me?

    lots of girls think that is soo cute :)

    good luck u got nothing to loose

    hope i helped :)

  28. Walk up to her and say:

    Hey that's a really nice_________(article of clothing)...[pause and listen for a response]. If u r not doing anything___________(day of week), would u like to go see___________(movie title) with me?

  29. check yes or no lol


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  31. well the best way is to go ahead and do it.dont think too much.the worst case-she ll say no.u anyway dont have her! so go right now!

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