
Im in london have no skillsm or qualifications i need a job bad im homless help m plz?

by  |  earlier

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where can i get JOB




  1. if you're homeless, why not sell the big issue? they'll also be able to help you with other aspects of life, and give you opportunities

  2. go to the london's labour department..and get information about everything you need there..

    don't ever stop study..that's the most important thing..skill can be gained, but first you've got to have willingness..

    good luck

  3. Firstly get off YA and on to a recrutment site where you can find a local job that you wont need skills for. Get to the job center and find out about becoming NFA and using their address as you will need an address to get employment.

    Good luck, opportunities are out there, you've just gotta go find them - it rarely knocks!

  4. Your internet connection seems fine...

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