
Im in love with Jim Morrison (a dead singer) idk y, and is it creepy??

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I've never had a celebrity crush on anyone before, but right after my boyfriend dumped me, I started really really getting a crush on Doors singer Jim Morrison, as in obsessive. Its almost like i think about him as much as i thought of my ex boyfriend.

It also doesnt help that he's dead, so does that make me a gross person? all my friends are teasing me about it.




  1. naw im pretty sure its normal :]

    i dont think it would be any different if you were all into Johnny Depp, like the rest of the world. i had a friend who was apparently in love with Dean Martin, and sure, people made fun of her. But it's really not that creepy.

  2. I think there is a separation that you subconsciously know of but aren't totally realizing. Anyway, I am pretty certain your "obsessive" liking is based on the breakup. Not to talk about myself but my major liking towards The Doors music started when I was pretty young, about 6. I always had to have dental work done because my mouth is really small. Anyway, it would always hurt so bad when they were doing the work and I would be so frightened by the "dentist speak" that I was relieved when they gave me the laughing gas (weird kid I know) While I was "on" the gas I would hear what I called circus music, and I loved it because that is what I then thought was stopping the pain. Turns out the 'circus music" was Alabama Song without the vocals (my mom would play it in the car so I was probably just remembering it from before without realizing what was all happening) So now when I hear The Doors I can't help but remember back then and how it "helped" me (I know I was a really weird kid, and now am still a weird person, I don't care though)

    Is it possible that while you were upset about the breakup that you "turned" towards The Doors. I suppose you then focused on Jim because of all the hype around him and the things said. Is it possible that you thought of him as being the "perfect" boyfriend/person, etc? It's easy to picture someone as being perfect when they aren't really around to prove otherwise (that sounds weird and cruel but I think you understand) Again I am just guessing but I think there was the upset at the lost of relationship with your boyfriend that made you turn to Jim seeing him as something that you consider perfect?

    There is always romanticizing about people after they die too, most people always say the best and tend to ignore the bad. Not to really get into anything but it especially seems that people ignore the bad qualities. It is hard to live with someone with an artist's temperament and people don't always realize that. Not to get too into it but there are always bad traits to go with the good. Also, things will always stay the way they are, unless you find a way to resurrect someone it will be the same for a long time.

    Not to lecture, but it is probably best if you try to move on. This has the potential to really s***w up future relationships and that will just leave you unhappy. It almost sounds like this is a controlling thing in your life which has the potential to make you lonely and either push away (or scare away) people that you like (friends, family, whatever) I guess I would say it is best to get on with your life and focus on other guys, the ones that are you know, living ;)  (not meant to sound bitchy, there is always an openness with the internet I don't like, it is hard to truly show expression or meaning in words)

    Once you get over the feelings from the breakup it is likely that this will go away too because the bond of remembrance/symbolism will be broken.

    *I saw in your other questions you said you were 13, so I would say it is surely age related (many many others are the same way) Jim would be 64, think of that, now that may creep you out.  

    Anyway, that's just my take on it I may be totally wrong so take no offense to anything you disagree with.

  3. Hehe.

    I'm in love with Corey Feldman.

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