
Im in love with the girl in the photo with me and my wife?

by  |  earlier

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i've been told im too good looking for my wife and i am in love with a girl who is beautiful, should i leave my wife for her because she is beautiful or stick with my wife cause no one else will chase after her. please dont be nasty this time. need help




  1. You really cant base a marrige on looks...not trying to be nasty

    but its a nasty question

    Since you seem to not really care much for your wife, because you want to leave her for another woman based on looks then you should leave your wife

    its not fair to her to be in a relationship with someone that doesnt love her

    and if you do leave your wife go ahead and go for the pretty girl...but nothing based on looks will ever work out

    and I'm sure your wife will find someone better than you

    as for your children..if you have never loved your wife...then what a happy house it must be... do what you think is best for them because they matter the most

  2. I'm sorry to tell you but if you are seriously thinking of leaving your wife for someone else, then you don't love her, probably never did, and SHE should leave YOU! That is just wrong to marry someone, and then want somebody else just because they are hot. You should not of married you wife if you couldn't handle the way she looked, which shouldn't matter anyway if you are really in love...

  3. looks like she's too good for you,your fugly by the way inside out.:)

  4. You can't base your marriage on looks!!! If your wife has been there for you and you love her you should stay with her. Anyways you don't know what kind of personality the "pretty" girl has. There is a lot more to a marriage than what the girl looks like. Obviously you saw something that you liked in your wife!

  5. shut up!









  6. you should definitely not leave your wife because of what other people say...think about why you fell in love with her and married her in the first must have been somethin good!

    but if u definitely cant remember, then your wife doesnt deserve to be with someone (you) who doesnt care for her.. you should give her the opportunity to be in a relationship with someone she loves who loves her back!


    i cant imagine who wouldve told you your too good looking for her cos i cant see it!! and you purposely picked a picture where shes not smiling to make her look worse!

    ***********ANOTHER EDIT***********


  7. Superficial selfish people need to be together so the rest of us "normal" people have a chance at finding REAL people who are capable of deep emotional feeling.

    By all means leave your wife. SHE deserves better.  

  8. To me your wife is very beautiful, especialy when she is smiling, and you are, to be perfectly honest maybe a 1 out of 10 (10 being hot and 0 being horrific) on my scale, seriously you are UGLY!

    Your wife should leave you for someone who's more at her level of attractivness, ergo, someone a lot hotter and a lot nicer than you.

    You're a B*****D!!!!!!!

  9. Gee, there's no conceit in your family, is there?  You've got it all.  

  10. i dont know why people would say your good looking.

    really, why did you marry her if you didnt love her!?!

    thats low.

  11. im trying my best not to be RUDE!!! but any way,, go straight to marriage counsiling!!! if this pretty girl is realy so HOT that shes gunna break up your marrige, then leave town,, dont look back, dont see her again,,, please add to your details, your situation???? like how long you have been with your wife, got kids? and how you know the pretty one.

  12. Yes, leave her. You don't deserve her, and I hope your life sucks forever after.  

  13. why would you need strangers 2 make decisions 4 you ? are you not old enough or smart enough 2 decide what 2 do or is it your afraid 2 step out and do the right thing by giving your wife the big hurt by telling her "baby i don't love you anymore" play it right and play it fair.. if you must have that beauty, leave your wife behind 1st. but remember this, the beauty might not want you and you will feel the same hurt your wife did.. looking at the picture, your wife doesn't look happy anyways .. maybe she too is in love with the beauty  : )

  14. Please don't be nasty? You deserve it. Are you even in love with your wife? If you think no one would take your wife then you are wrong. There are many people out there, SOMEONE will love her. However, you have children. Think about them before yourself you selfish prick. Seems like you guys have been married for 10 years. You're going thru a phase. One day that young woman will also lose her looks and in the end you might just want your wife back.

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